The Jist The Jist Of June | Page 16

London mayor Sadiq Khan issued the highest air pollution alert in London for the first time, de- claring that the "filthy air" had become a "health crisis" other parts of the UK) is an on- going issue, we decided to take a look at one of the most cost effective ways to fight pollution that the government could im- plement. ries, and busses and have been found to affect both lung ca- pacity and growth. As well as public health con- cerns there are also significant economic costs to pollution, the Kings Report, compiled by the London government, esti- mated that, In January of this year, London mayor Sadiq Khan issued the highest air pollution alert in London for the first time, de- claring that the "filthy air" had become a "health crisis", with readings in from the Air Quality Index showing that air quality in London was worse than Bei- jing at some points of the day. But this is not the first time that the public have been warned of the dangers of air pollution in cities. A 2015 study from King's College London found that al- most 9,500 people die early each year in London because of long-term exposure to air pollution, more than twice as many as previously thought. However, the cause is not Co2, it is a combination of fine par- ticulates called PM2.5s and PM10s, along with nitrogen ox- ide (NO2). These are created by mostly by diesel cars, lor- “ economic costs... ranged from £1.4 billion (long-term expo- sure to PM2.5 and mortality; short-term exposure to PM2.5 and hospital admissions; short- term exposure to NO2 and both deaths brought forward and hospital admissions) to £3.7 billion (replacing short-term ex- posure to NO2 and deaths brought forward with long-term exposure to NO2 and mortali- ty). Inclusion of other less well established health outcomes would increase the economic costs although this has not been estimated in this report." The last Mayoral administration under Boris Johnson spent £1.43m applying a spe- cial glue to roads around Lon- 16