The International E-magazine on Adolescent Health; Nutrition and Your Circulatory and Respiratory Systems The International E-magazine on Adolescent Health; | Page 3

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016 By the industrialization there were serious environmental hazards thanks to all the machinery, factories and mass production. There was the deforestation, so the trees could help clean the air and give the oxygen so it had airborne (factories emission) and more carbon dioxide. Since the air, people’s water and land was contaminated, all these diseases came very strong and people had a weak immune system that couldn’t attack them. While cities where growing, the lack of sanitation grew with it. Factories would dump chemicals and waste in rivers and streams, and that same water was used to supply homes for washing and cooking. Besides that, toilet facilities were inadequate, wastes usually overflowing into the rivers. Add to all these, the amount of immigrants coming into the cities from different areas of the world. Typhoid was one of the most common infections during the industrial revolution, caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which is found on poorly cleaned water and food. It causes diarrhea rash, and fever. This type of infection is more common in develo ping countries, due to the poorly hygienic conditions people live in. However, during the industrial revolution, this disease was a global health problem. Infected people carried this bacterium in their bodies, excreting it through their urine and feces. This waste usually went into rivers, contaminating billions of people. In conclusion this diseases changed the way the people lived, because by having a lot of people in one place, drinking the same water that is infected and having the food poorly cleaned this didn’t help. After all the disasters of the humans dying, they tried to make the best of their life by trying to clean where they lived and being more healthier. 3