The Ingenieur Vol. 65 Water Power | Page 39

promote technology and build capabilities to foster industry clustering; as well as promote innovation as a key competitive advantage through technology usage and its application to business and businessacademia linkages; (ii) Increase access to finance by developing and enhancing the in s ti tu tional framework in respect of improving under st anding and streng thening traditional financing infrastructure as well as the policy environment and measures that foster alternative and non-traditional financing; promote financial inclusion and literacy and the ability of MSMEs to be better engaged in the financial systems; and enhance tax and other incentive schemes; (iii) E n h a n c e m a r k e t a c c e s s a n d internationalisation by ex tending and developing support schemes for ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS market access and integration into @ASEAN theASEANglobal supply chains including promoting partnership with multinational c or p o r at io n s (MN C s) and l ar ge [