The Indie Game Magazine June 2015 | Issue 50 | Page 10

op and change the ers, it’s trivial to ch ind into different lay r body and m As an AI develope entations at will. and pattern based. tly humanable deci- implem tend to feature mos AI to be very read eate sophisticated mptation to cr member is that FPS’s re layer quite the te creating the right Another thing to are the same body you need to avoid d instead focus on so you can often sh useful for s, an e oid characters, and lly this isn’t quite as s critical to a gam sion making system y characters. Typica er. For example, it’ lly varied. play to easily between man to be more physica experience for the e player up nicely ere the actors tend y behavior sets th enem tried to make platform games, wh like DKCR that the st 10 years or so? quential bops. If we er off games over the pa rding moves like se make rewa uld probably wand has AI improved in w we’ve refined the e intelligent, they wo le to IGM: Ho aspects of AI that the characters mor cally, what are the ayer wouldn’t be ab More specifi es? position, and the pl meplay experienc to a more strategic most to improve ga AI has been I am not sure that have as much fun. tion. To be honest, ere has Lewis : Good ques ents in gameplay. Th hind many improvem the gating the driving force be es, but AI is rarely olution of techniqu but more been a gradual ev happen of course, better game. It does sign itself. factor in making a found in the game de tcomings are to be commonly the shor and debug AI have es used to develop said, the techniqu started working in With that years. When I first a fair bit over the Nowadays thankimproved ding everything in C. y we were hand-co ese are typically the industr es are the norm. Th -driven architectur pose behaviors fully, data ols that help us com ters; complemented by graphical to e. Development shoo ocesses in real-tim ay for first person and and monitor decision making pr g also comes into pl er to be. This kind of thinkin empower the play in terms of how to y, is a lot more efficient than it used still want to think lot more flexibilit a ios with you nents, but there is there for indie stud resources are out rate readable oppo gene r games? IGM: What sort of to movement. ove the AI in thei s looking to impr cularly with regard lutions parti ple very small team ue cost effective so can often be as sim rt of MacGyver-esq n, platform game AI ion Are there any so n gaming entatio imation and decis sure up to moder In terms of implem that combines an g AI that can mea achine for implementin as a single state-m h. into the same grap standards? making logic thin the reach ire more layers nent of good AI is wi r hand tends to requ ation Lewis : The technology compo r AI on the othe games difficult anim First person shoote What makes AAA h to describe your ight still use a grap rform of even the smallest teams. m pe to presentation, of complexity. You a separate layer to sources poured in ted as to compete with is the re pplement this with old saying that emen states, but then su imation. There is an this might be impl achine particularly modeling and an g logic. Commonly another state-m the decision makin ng system, or even ration of vior tree, a planni a beha you have this sepa te-machine). Once (or hierarchical-sta rehead Studios Developer: Squa Platforms: iOS .uk ua Website: www.sq dio reheadSt Twitter: @Squa 10 The Indie Game Magazine