The IMC Magazine Issue 8/October 2015 | Page 14

the time to do this, I go clear with what areas I would be needing to work on over the course of the 9 weeks.

I changed my pitch as an artist to: “Soul Mending Maverick Sharing Unbreakable Truths. Joan Osborne meets Bonnie Raitt.” I then added this information to all my social media, as Ariel suggested.

I was able to get some new ideas around my Pinterest account ( ), adding two new boards to my profile.

With Facebook, (, I got a few good pointers. I have three accounts. 1. Personal 2. Artist Page 3. Group Page

I actually had put all similar photos on all 3 pages. Once I realized the obvious, that they needed to be different, I went in and changed each profile so they’d stand out from one another.

I also started posting daily on my Artist Page. I had been posting daily on my other two pages. What I am finding is that over the past few weeks there have been more people “liking” posts on my “Artist Page”. This is new! Usually people are mostly “liking” posts on my other two pages only. It’s all a process and I see this now.

I went through my Twitter account ( and cleaned out those followers who weren’t active. I followed those who were following me and were active. I started adding people I wanted to follow. In addition, I am now starting to use the technique of sharing more of other people’s tweets, as well as tweeting around my career and things I find interesting.

When it came to my website ( I was pleased that I was on point with all Ariel chatted about. There was one thing that I got feedback on around my video page. I never actually went into each video and put a clear description for each one.

One of Ariel’s crew expressed that the website all looked great except that factor. What a great help! I have been so busy with other things that I never saw this! I just rebuilt and launched my website this January 2015 and I guess my web designer and I just passed this by. I immediately went back into my video page and added descriptions for each video! (

As for YouTube, (, I do need to go back into all my past videos and add better tags for each etc. I was advised to just go through them a little at a time as to not get overwhelmed. And I will, from this point forward, add better tags to all new videos I put up.

As for my name on You Tube, the URL does need to be changed, yet unfortunately, I gotta still figure out how to do this. I believe I would have to start a new page to get a new URL. I will figure that out in time...

With my blogging, (, I got some good feedback around it.

One person, who’s actually a part of a Facebook group I’m a part of with Bob Baker, the Empowered Artist, said she likes how short and sweet many of my blog posts are. She said she was so used to writing such long posts, and it’s refreshing to see short posts like Ariel mentioned in the intro video. She continued to say what she likes most about my blog posts is the visuals!

The collages are very attractive, and it’s an idea she’s going to steal from me for my own blog. I think it’s great to get this feedback, seeing that I am on the right path. In addition, I see that I am able to help other artists formulate their ideas from my posts and they can venture on their own path with their blogging.

With newsletters, I was also given solid feedback from a few members of the group. A few people said it looked great and they enjoyed reading it.

Meri Amber shared my newsletter with the group when one girl asked for asked to see what a good template looked like. I was surprised and happy to see that.

She also said, “I LOVE it!! It’s so personal, yet succinct and gets all the information across. You’ve done a wonderful job!” (Newsletter: )