The IMC Magazine Issue 15 /May 2016 | Page 6


Band of the month

is chosen


Mark Lamdanski, Editor


Band of the Month

Jamie Alimorad

Beginning in the Boston underground and college scene, Jamie Alimorad emerged as a stand-out artist amongst his appears with his booming vocals and sweet melodies. His first two albums Cornerstone and Words Left Unsaid were met with high praise, spawned two nationwide tours and collaborations with artists such as Rick Springfield and Gino Vannelli. The single "Beautiful" earned Alimorad the most acclaim with over 2 million views on YouTube and thousands of streams and downloads.

Alimorad has begun work on a new album with Vannelli at the helm. The first single, "Rock Me To Heaven” signals a new mile marker in his career. Capturing the pop essence that has made him an artist to watch, “Rock Me To Heaven” brings a more mature sound with Alimorad’s soothing vocals taking center stage in delivering the lyrical poetry of a true romance.


Jamie has appeared on the award winning show, Twitter Tuesday Live, multiple times. Editors, Carol and Mark, have had the awesome pleasure of meeting Jamie and become good friends over the years.

If you're ever in the New York area and you have the chance, we urge you to check out one of Jamie's performances. You won't regret it.

Carol & Mark