The Ignatian - December 2016 Vol 26 July Edition Vol 27 | Page 23

Year 7 Magis 2017 This year saw the start of a new integrated subject called ‘Magis’. Magis means ‘the more’, and for St Ignatius, the ‘more’ meant doing and being more for Christ and for humankind – reaching deeper, thinking more thoroughly and applying skills and knowledge in authentically Christian ways. Magis involves three Key Learning Areas (KLAs): Science, Mathematics and Technical Applied Studies (TAS). While other schools have embarked on STEM related subjects, Magis provides students with the three disciplines underpinned by an Ignatian philosophy of reflecting on our own actions and reflecting on our community in order to serve others more. The students began with mini projects using a Project Based Learning (PBL) model. This provided them with the understanding and skills required to connect the three subject areas. The first unit of study, The aMAZEing Spheros, provided many ethical and social challenges launched and explored by Dr Paul Hine, Mr Russell Newman and Mr Patrick Lowe in conceptualising driverless cars at Riverview by replacing the traditional technology of the golf buggy for transportation. Through the unit, students learnt basic programming while navigating the spheros around mathematical shapes. This encompassed the three KLAs but also provided a lens to reflect on the advancement of robotics into our society. A true understanding of Magis within the integrated learning model provides students with a ‘depth and quality in what we do’. To learn how emerging technologies can be used within our community, the project required students to build a maze (Riverview) and program a sphero (transportation vehicle) for duties (medical, administrative, informative and co-curricular), providing a conceptual understanding of how students can serve others while also understanding the potential implications of future technological developments. Above The Magis teaching team J O E L B U D D , A S S IS TA N T H E A D O F FAC U LT Y - TA S Smith House 2017 for Smith House has been very busy with the introduction of the new Year 7s, House events and sharing the whole family feeling of what it is to be in the Smith Family. The change in the pastoral system has really made the students in the younger years feel more included, particularly with mentor groups, House meetings and the integration of the Senior boys being more actively involved with the Junior school. One clear example of this would have to be the presentation of the Year 12 ties and badges for the Year 7s. It was an opportunity for each Year 7 student to meet and greet each Year 12 with their tie, and the same again with the badges. There was also the involvement of the Regis boys, who would have been the first out of all the other Houses to be greeted by the Smith Family. The T20 Charity fundraiser for Redfern Jarjum College and the Timor Leste school was also a proud moment this year for the Smith House community. As a team in an hour of toil, we raised $1789.50. We look forward to many upcoming events sharing the spirit of Mum Shirl. T O M B E AU M O N T, S M IT H H O U S E V I C E- C A P TA I N S E N I O R N E WS | I G N AT I A N | 2 3