The Humor Mill April 2017 | Page 42

By Darryl Litteton One big ATM. Maybe a manager on a screen whose held up in a bullet proof back room or in the basement, but no tellers needing coffee breaks and insurance. Let’s face it – there’s jobs you don’t need to train for anymore because they will soon be gone. They raised the minimum rate because there’s not going to be any minimum wage gigs. Fast food would be done faster by a machine, not a kid with a cell phone and adolescent issues. So most jobs in the near future will be done by computers and robots and if you’re reading this you’re probably neither by birth. It doesn’t matter who the next president is going to be if you’re a coal miner the future looks black and not the good kind. Now don’t panic, it won’t happen tomorrow, but all you unskilled workers out there better recognize. You need a skill. Some of you think you have skills – street skills, but just because you’re from the streets or live on them doesn’t mean you’ve learned anything. Think you’re a dope dealer? Think again. The Bush Family are dope dealers. See, if I’m coming to your crib or we’re meeting up in a parking lot – you have no skills as a dealer. Check selling booty off your list of street skills as well. Everybody on the streets has a booty; some tight, some loose, some flat, some sculptured. One thing though - if you can be bought for pocket cash from somebody with a hole in their pocket – you’ve got unskilled booty. Now let’s not forget stealing. Stealing is not a skill. I stole liquor as a kid. Doesn’t make me a thief. Makes me an alcoholic. If you’re not on a keyboard moving vast sums of currency from one account to another – you have no skills in modern day theft. Okay, how about jobs you can find in the want ads? If you’re going through your manual on how to be a bank teller – put that mess down. Ain’t gonna be no bank tellers in the future. Bank tellers get scared and give up the money. They work from the inside to rob the joint. Naw, it’s all going to be a computer. 42 Give up on thinking you’re going to be a top meter maid. Meter maids can be intimidated or flirted with. They’ll have robot doing that job. A robot doesn’t care about front row tickets to the local Pop Warner football game or getting its freak on. A robot won’t stop writing the ticket because you’re cute or have a pathetically heartbreaking story. And unlike a meter maid if you talk trash to a robot it will taze you.