The Hultian SUMMER 2018 edition | Page 24

We are not surprised that Professor Grandinetti was awarded the 2018 Rosoff Award on Diversity and Inclusion. Arnold Rosoff Founded Arnold Worldwide in 1946 and made it his mission to change the face of the corporate workplace by focusing on diversity and inclusion not only at his ad agency, but across New England.

This is excerpted from the award committee’s recommendation: “Silicon Valley is largely a white “boys club,” resulting in myopia and conformity, the enemy of innovation. Mike Grandinetti is on a mission to change that. Mike’s passion lies in fostering a diverse workforce. He actively seeks out prominent women role models to serve as judges and mentors for his female students and mentees in his entrepreneurship classes and startup advisory activities.

He proactively seeks employees from outside the U.S. despite policy uncertainty. He’s the only American on his marketing team of 11 people, 60% of which is female. Having worked a long, varied career as an eight-time tech startup CXO, a McKinsey strategy consultant, an independent innovation consultant and an engineer in Silicon Valley, Mike knows that to be truly innovative, highly diverse perspectives are crucial. At Reduxio, he places great value on a fundamental principal; that the best results come from an intellectually stimulating, collaborative environment of highly empowered, diverse teams with lots of autonomy.”

His recent column in the magazine Money Inc. regarding Gender Diversity in Entrepreneurship appears here

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Champion of Diversity