The Hultian Spring 2017 | Page 68

The Leadership Experiment "A true leader eliminates the necessity for leadership” Back in college, one of my professors said, “A true leader eliminates the necessity for leadership”. It sounded like a paradox to me then; someone working to make their role redundant. Now I know he was talking about empowering one’s team and giving them the power to make decisions and letting them take accountability. How do you command an army? Controlling every man, like you do in Age of Empires, will result in you losing every battle. Much like that, you cannot poke your nose into everything that your team members do. You must give them autonomy. They might end up making a few mistakes, but that’s okay. Your ultimate goal is to get them to a point where they do not need you to give them instructions every day. You must trust them, and their ability to learn from mistakes. This will help you focus on the bigger picture - review and change processes to improve the efficiency of your team. team of 16, managing around 50 projects. But to probe into all these projects is time consuming and a sad use of my team’s intelligence. Instead, I give them targets - put it up on a white board for the whole team to see - and let them drive. I remain in the backseat, there to help them when required. People follow people, not organizations. My team works for the company, but they follow my commands. As long I have their trust and respect, they will march through hell for me. So, it is imperative that they trust me and respect me. I put up everything from the number of projects to the number of leaves (and work from homes) that we've taken on a Google Sheet. This way, my team knows that everyone is equal and there is no favoritism. I also discuss random things with my team; we talk about the Ghost Army, the method of Loci, and Game of Thrones. Now I don’t have an army. I have a The Leadership Experience