The Hultian Spring 2017 | Page 61

think I could do and be anything. My parents encouraged me to try everything until I found something I was truly passionate about. The values I was raised with, especially about how we are all global citizens, became the foundation for my career and the person I’ve become. HULTIAN: What are the biggest challenges you face in your industry? C: Not enough people who have experience in and understand all of the elements that go into evaluating and developing strategies to respond to geopolitical risks. the world? C: There are so many. I’ve found hidden gems in every city and country I’ve travelled to. Every place and every culture around the world has hidden gems, you just have to be open to experiencing them. It’s why I never tire of exploring a new place or taking the road less travelled. HULTIAN: What city have you visited that changed the way you view the world? C: Cairo, Egypt changed the way I viewed the world because I developed so many great friendships there and it Every place and every culture around the world has hidden gems, you just have to be open to experiencing them. HULTIAN: What main soft skills and strengths are needed in order to be successful in negotiating? C: Soft skills – especially presenting, persuading, and building relationships of trust quickly -- are essential. Soft skills though require deep emotional intelligence and psychological capital – knowing oneself and then being able to read others and the environment. It requires the ability to not only be aware but to adjust and adapt to any environment on the fly. These skills come only from experience working with other cultures on the ground and putting oneself in uncomfortable and challenging situations. HULTIAN: What are your favourite hidden gems around was pre 9/11. Egyptians are known for their hospitality and I always feel at home when I’m there. One of my first trips there made me realize that we are all more alike than that which separates us as human beings. We may practice different religions and have differing political views, but fundamentally we all want many of the same things out of life. HULTIAN: What are three things you take with you when you travel? C: For all my travel, I still way over pack and there are about 20 things I always travel with. But if I had to pare it down to three essentials it would be my Chinese herbs that my acupuncturist prescribes which I take for my immunity which is always Cari Guittard