The Hub June 2017 | Page 31

with cheese,” he said. “We try to do an event per week, some bigger than others.” My experience there was fantastic. Paddling down the calm waters of Pike Creek with the swooping willow trees skimming the water, everything glowed the brightest of greens after a few days of rain. It was rejuvenating to see everything so full of life. The only sounds were birds chirping and the paddles touching the edge of the boat, mimicking that of a bamboo windchime in a delicate breeze. A calm new outlook of our city washed over me as I took in the scenery around me. “I think it is really important that a lot of people have the opportunity to get on the water and explore,” said Minday. “The respect and appreciation for our rivers and creeks are raised by seeing and experiencing it.” Getting out and exploring our waterways makes it a higher priority for people to keep it clean, said Minday. He says it makes you think twice about dumping things in the lake, throwing garbage out or even making sure to vote on important regulations protecting our water. Paddle sports have also become a popular option for fitness. According to the American Council on Exercise an hour of kayaking can burn around 300 calories. I may have just found my new way to get in my fitness goals. Heading to the gym has never really appealed to me, but this almost meditative activity is right up my alley. Paddling sports are low-impact and have also become the choice for some who struggle with traditional exercises. Matt Prangly is a kayaker who was finding difficulty with other activities. “I was having a hard time with long distance running and I needed an alternative.” Paddling can improve muscle strength in your back, arms, and chest and your cardiovascular health. It is an option for any weight, strength or skill level. Being so accustomed to looking at the area from the bustling streets and then experiencing it from the waterways creates a new perspective. This is one time when I found the grass is definitely greener on the other side of that fence. b b3ODQW%DVHG  &KHPLFDO)UHH  /RFDOO\0DGH   Above: kayaks waiting for paddlers on the riverfront Below: Mark and Matt from Pelee Wings IkZJ^[hWfo   $OO1DWXUDO+DQGFUDIWHG6RDS     H[Yedd[Yj_d]m_j^DWjkh[    Ed[XWj^WjWj_c[      $YDLODEOHDW   &DVD&KDYHOD   3HOLVVLHU6W:LQGVRU        $VSLUH/DVHU+DLU 6NLQ7UHDWPHQWV      &DEDQD5G:LQGVRU  b  %Hb:HOO     (OHFWULFLW\'U:LQGVRU    3LHGD7HUUH     'DOKRXVLH6W$PKHUVWEXUJ   :DJQHU2UFKDUGV     /DNHVKRUH5G 0DLGVWRQH