The Hub August 2013 | Page 4


How can we be halfway through the summer ? Thirty-one days have never passed as quickly as this July ; I can only hope the next thirty-one move a little slower . I suppose that ’ s what happens when you ’ re having fun - time flies ! And it has been fun , not least because we ’ ve been spending some of that time engaging with you , the readers of The Hub . Our first issue was a hit , and everyone we ’ ve talked to has had nothing but good things to say . Through Facebook , Twitter , and in person , it has been a joy and a treat connecting to this community through this new publication . And here we are again , with a brand new issue !
This August , The Hub is all about summertime , and taking it easy . Comfy cafés , drive-in movies and bicycling would certainly be on my list of favourite things . I ’ m even one of those cyclists Rick Dawes talks about in his article : my bicycle is my primary mode of transportation in the good weather , complete with wicker basket . I ’ m still hunting for the right bell , though .
New readers may need some introduction to all we have to offer ; great columns , a jam-packed calendar , and features by up-and-coming young writers . And the medium allow us to do so much - check out the videos and bonus links , and remember you can click right on our advertisements to visit those particular websites . You can also subscribe to The Hub for free so you never miss an issue . And don ’ t forget , you can read The Hub anytime on your desktop , laptop , tablet or mobile phone .
So bike to the nearest café , order up a latté , and settle in with the August issue - have fun !
Like preserving the bounty of our home gardens or that of our local farmers , we want to store up the goodness of the season before fall arrives . We become aware of the days getting shorter and take every opportunity to eat as much seasonal fruit and veg as we can pack in , and can or freeze what we can ’ t consume . We visit outdoor festivals , go on last minute vacations , ride our bikes or walk instead of driving and hang out at outdoor cafes instead of choosing to sit inside .
In this issue of The Hub , we bring you together with the thoughts , sights and sounds of readers who feel just like you . Café Culture gives you a run down on what seems to be our collective favourite beverage . Because August is traditionally , a great month to enjoy an outdoor patio , we invite you to take the experience to a new level by checking out more than one of the many outdoor cafes dotting our city and county streets . They each offer a unique take on the café experience , from the atmosphere and décor , to the selection of coffees and other go-with-coffee treats . While you ’ re at it , why not dust off your bike and check them out on two wheels instead of four .? Many are situated within blocks of one another and who knows what new adventure you may bump into while cruising down the avenue ?
We also take a peek at the lost art of the drive in movie . Many of us remember , when several drive in theatres offered many choices on a Saturday night . In 2013 , that opportunity is seldom found . Whether you remember hooking up the speakers to your car windows or have only heard about it , read on to find out what today ’ s version of the experience looks like .
Finally , if September means a new address for you or your son or daughter , learn the ins and outs of looking for accommodation . Did I hear correctly ? You have an extra room in your home that you only visit in order to dust ? You may be sitting on a cash cow and the opportunity to host a young person looking for a home away from home .
Read on my friends , and do it out of doors if possible !


Managing Editors Eva Antonel Shelley Divnich Haggert
Contributors Alex Antonel , Rick Dawes , Angelica Haggert , Michael Haggert , Jolene Perron , Sean Previl , Paige Vanderbeck , James Zimmerman Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
Connect With Us ! info @ thehubwindsoressex . com facebook . com / thehubwindsoressex @ TheHubWE
Copyright 2013 The Write Side Up Inc . & Audacity Design Group Inc . No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the publishers .
Please direct advertising or subscription inquiries to info @ thehubwindsoressex . com
The Hub is published 11 times a year by The Write Side Up Inc . & Audacity Design Group Inc . Articles and advertisements in The Hub do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine . We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors . The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of any product , service or information being advertised . We do not knowingly present any product , idea or statement which is fraudulent or misleading in nature .
4 The HUB - August 2013