The Houndsley Brothers Guide to Clean Eating for Dogs Aug. 2016 | Page 5

MAINTAINING A HEALTHY COAT AND SKIN If your dog ’ s diet doesn ’ t contain enough of the right nutrients or contains low quality nutrients this can contribute to a dull coat , excess shedding and dry , flaky or itchy skin . A diet , rich in high quality , digestible proteins , carbohydrates , fats , vitamins and minerals is key to maintaining a healthy coat and skin . In fact , a recent study revealed that 30-35 % of your dog ’ s daily protein intake is needed just to keep its skin and coat in good condition .
Some dogs may need an extra boost in the form of a supplement , like linseed oil , which is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids .
1 . High meat content and quality 2 . Avoid foods that are not specific enough . ‘ Animal fat ’ begs the question , which animal ? Sometimes the packaging can be misleading , a ‘ beef ’ recipe on closer inspection may be made primarily with chicken or another hidden meat source . Look for named sources in the ingredients list such as lamb , turkey or beef
3 . A little grain is okay but look for whole grains like brown rice 4 . Avoid artificial colours , sugars , flavours and preservatives 5 . Avoid meat and animal derivatives
• Assuming illness is not putting your dog off its food , you might just have to make dinner more exciting . Try adding a small amount of grated Parmesan , sardine juice or mashed sardines , homemade meat broth or goat ’ s yoghurt
• If your dog is maintaining a healthy body weight and not finishing its meals , you may have simply overestimated its calorie requirements . So try cutting down the portion size that you are offering
• Some dogs will refuse foods that upset their bodies . If you have recently added a new ingredient to your dog ’ s diet , try removing it
DID YOU KNOW ? Compared to our 9,000 taste buds , your dog only has 1,700 and , as a result , they just don ’ t crave variety like we do . Providing more choice may make your dog fussier . Once you find a food that works for your dog , stick with it .