The Hoot October 2018 | Page 11

Christi (1.5)


We went to a small community in a beautiful area of southern Guatemala called Nueva Concepcion. During the week, we prepped the area for the well, helped operate the drilling machinery, taught hygiene, health, and Bible lessons to children and moms, and made meaningful connections with the local people in the community. The most obvious end result was a 175 foot deep well with a hand pump that the community can use for many, many years!

We had such an amazing, rewarding experience and felt like we helped make a lasting difference for a community who certainly needed it! The locals were so very gracious and appreciative, and eager to help as well as learn whatever we had to teach them. I also learned so much from them, though it is difficult to put in words all that I gained from the trip. These are people who mostly live in makeshift homes with dirt floors and no true windows, and who have very few material possessions. Yet they lead such a happy, rich life and were so grateful to us for being there. It was a wonderful lesson and reminder to me to focus on what’s really important and to be thankful every day for all that I have!