The Hong Kong Watch Auction: TWO | Page 438

The Audemars Piguet

Grande Complication


Previously unrecorded anywhere in literature , we are delighted to present this Audemars Piguet Grande Complication clock watch . Fitted with no fewer than 11 complications , the present watch is one of the most complicated Audemars Piguet known to exist and is one of the earliest known examples to have been manufactured . Every Grande Complication made by the firm during the late 19th century was a unique piece . Due to the time it required to create each watch , there were always variations in their production . This watch is one of three petite and grand sonnerie watches with comparable complications manufactured by Audemars Piguet .
The Clock Watch was invented hundreds and hundreds of years ago . The earliest known example is dated at around 1551 and was made by French maker Jacques de la Garde . The earliest English clock watches began to appear from around 1600 . The earliest known watches usually had striking trains as they originated directly from spring driven table clocks .
The grande and petite sonnerie mechanism was developed in the late 18th century . The petite mechanism strikes the quarter and the hour in passing . The grande mechanism strikes both quarter and hour at each quarter . It was Breguet who added the minute repeating mechanism to the grande and petite sonnerie clock watch in around 1801 .
Following the French revolution , the Swiss produced many examples of the grande and petite sonnerie clock watch for export and this really laid the foundation for very complication watches in the 19th century . It was this development in watchmaking in Switzerland that really gave the Swiss the international reputation as master watchmakers .
The production of clock watches stopped in the 1st quarter in the 20th century due to the extremely high costs and hundreds of hours of labour to manufacture them .
富藝斯極 � 榮幸 ⒲ ‘ 這件卓越罕有 � 精密時計 , 備 有 11 項複雜功能 , 是愛 � 錶廠最早期生產 � 複雜功 能懷錶 一 , 首次現身於拍賣市場 �
自鳴錶發タ於 � 百年前 , 最早 � 資料記載是 11 年 法國製錶 � 雅克 ˙� 拉卡 所製作 � 自鳴錶 � 而最 早 � 英式自鳴錶出現於 100 年左右 , 起 於發條驅 動座鐘 , 𐤓‏所以一般都具備打 報時 � 軸輪裝置 �
1 世紀末 , 製錶 � 開始研發大 自鳴結構裝置 � 大 自鳴和 自鳴兩種功能 , 都會在鐘錶運行至整點和 整刻 � 時候自動鳴響 ; 不同 在於 , 自鳴功能 在自動報時 � 時候 , 不會再重複整點報時 �� 璣大 � 在 101 年時 , 在大 ‏自鳴� 礎上再加入三問功 能 , 首創複雜功能錶 � 型 �
法國大革ツ後 , 瑞士開始製造並輸出許多大 自鳴 錶至法國 , � 下 1 世紀複雜功能製錶 � ‏根 ; 正是 因 � 此穩定 � 注 � 製錶環境 , ⒱ 功造就瑞士 ⒱� 國 最 ッ� 鐘錶王國 �
自鳴錶全以人手打造 , 完 ⒱ 一件作品 , 不僅極 � 耗時而且 ⒱ 〉 昂貴 , 因此在 0 世紀初期 , 製錶工 ➛ 便慢慢開始停 製作自鳴錶 �
富藝斯 〉 期 ⒲ ‘ � 愛 � 複雜功能懷錶 , 極度稀罕重 , 備有五蓋式錶殼且開合緊 � , � 況絕佳 , 種種 細節 𠙗示 藏家極少使用 � 連 � 大 自鳴具備 11 項複雜功能 , 可謂是市場上 𑍄 年來最重 � 愛 � 時 計 一 �
This Audemars Piguet grande complication is an exceptional example with the highest quality five-part hinge case that is extremely crisp and in many ways appears to be quite unused . The case hinges are extremely tight and the case closes extremely well . The eleven complications that make up the mechanism make this clock watch one of the most important Audemars Piguet watches to have appeared on the market in recent years .