The Hong Kong Watch Auction: TWO | Page 328

The Sports Rolex

An Important Private Collection of Tool Watches

動靜皆宜 : 重要私人收藏之勞力士運動時計

Consigned by an important collector , the following 16 watches pay tribute to the Sports Rolex . In the early 1950 ’ s Rolex released to the market a variety of watches with specific design elements to aid workers or professionals in their day to day lives . During this period these sports Rolex were more commonly known as a tool watch . Never before had a brand taken such a revolutionary approach to watchmaking and the result was groundbreaking .
In 1953 Rolex introduced the first tool watch , the Explorer , which was fitted with a stronger more robust case for use in exploration . The Explorer accompanied an expedition to the top of Mount Everest on May 29th of that same year catapulting the appeal and awareness of the Rolex tool watch . A year later the Submariner was marketed to divers and fitted with a larger case to withstand high pressure . In 1955 the GMT Master was released in collaboration with Pan Am Airlines allowing its owner to quickly determine the time in two time zones . These models quickly became iconic representations of Rolex and are collected by people from all over the world . Each model grows in popularity and value every season due to the increase in knowledge and the difficulty to find examples in good condition complete with original accessories .
The following collection is comprised of some extremely rare and sought after tool watches , some of which are still retaining their original accessories . The Sports Rolex is arguably one of the hottest and most collectable areas of the watch market today and seldom do such collections come to market .
勞力士自 0 年代開始設計多種具備特殊功能 � 時 計 , � 特定 �� 業人士提供更貼身 � 時計𡑲驗 , 這 Ӟ 時期所生產 � 運動 𑜐 式時計通稱 � 特殊功能運動 時計 ( WRRO ZDWFK ), 勞力士 � 具匠心開創此類型時 計先河 � 以下由單一藏家所珍藏 1 枚勞力士運動時 計 , 集品牌大 ⒱ , 各具特色 �
勞力士於 1 年推出 �� 一 特殊功能時計型 號 ([ SORUHU , 搭配更堅 𐔶� 錶殼適於探 人士使 用 , 同年 月 日 � 山人士配戴 ([ SORUHU 時計攻 頂珠穆朗瑪 𐆁 , 此後勞力士特殊功能運動時計聲 ッ大噪 �1 年勞力士推出型號 6XEPDULQHU , 配置較大 R 寸錶殼 , 以利 � 業潛水人士 � 抗深海 高壓 �1 年勞力士與 ➚ 美航空合作再推出型號 * 07 0DVWHU , 面盤設計讓飛行員 ➶ 辨兩 ☼ 時區 � 時候一目了然 � 這些タ星型號商品廣受全球各 𑌣 人 士喜愛 , 著資訊普及 , � 態良好兼附有 裝配件 � 勞力士運動時計 , 身價水漲船高 , 一錶難求 �
以下系列珍藏包括罕有熱 � 特殊功能運動時計 , 其中不少還 � 有 裝配件 � 市場上稀缺度極高 � 精 品 , 無疑是 𑌳 時最熱 也最 � 收藏 � 品項 一 �
富藝斯很榮幸在亞洲有機會親身參與 , 並 ⒲ ‘ 此重 私人收藏予各 𑌣 勞力士錶迷 ➶ 享 �
Phillips is honored to have been entrusted with the sale and to have the opportunity to present it to the market in Asia .