The Honey Bee Press October - December 2013 | Page 4

Page 4 Honey Bee Press A Note from Our Founder It's October and it will soon be the end of this year and the beginning of another – it’s hard to believe that this year is just about over. As we approach the closing of the year, for most folks it’s natural to look at things in their lives they want to do differently in the coming year. I sometimes think about how most of us look at changing or adjusting things in our lives so intently for a new year, but we often forget to look at those same things the other days of the year. I have a question for you - are you content/satisfied/comfortable with where you are spiritually? Dr. Roxanna Perry Founder of W.O.W. at the 3rd chapter of Revelation…"I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:15-16. Think about the act of spitting – it’s getting rid of something you don’t want. You spit because there is something in your mouth that is distasteful. So when God talks about spitting us out of His mouth, He’s doing that because He doesn’t want us there; we put a bad taste in His mouth. I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t Are you ok with where your relationship want God to spit me out. Being stagwith God stands today? I'm of the opin- nant in our relationship with Him is ion that our answer should almost al- not pleasing to Him. ways be, no. I'm certain you're probably saying at this moment, “What do you What does God want from us? Inmean, no?” Well, there's a possibility stead of us being stagnant, He wants that “no” is in the sense that there is us hot; He wants us on fire for Him, some work that still needs to be done. passionate about our walk with Him, Obviously, sin that needs to be re- excited about growing in Him, and pented of and surrendered to God, reading His Word and conversing maybe a major change in our focus with Him daily. So...what needs to concerning our relationship with God, or happen in order for us to get maybe for some, it means coming to there? First, we need to stop being Christ and giving Him your life com- comfortable with where we are...get pletely. Many of you may say, “Why annoyed at the fact you're content should my answer be no when I’m con- and satisfied with being stagnant and tent with where I am with God? I’m in a then do something about it. Move in real good place, the Father and I are a direction of becoming on fire for cool.” A good place? Cool in where you God. are with God? Is that really what you want it to be? Do you really want to just I think as believers we sometimes stay where you are with God? I pose struggle to be on fire, because truth the question again, "Where are you be told, we know where we want to spiritually?" be, we know where we are currently, but we don’t know how to get from Are you stagnant or are you satisfied one level to the next. Think about it with where you are in your walk with in a physical sense...what do you do Christ or are you striving to grow closer when you're driving and you want to to Him? If you reflect over this year, is get to a specific destination, but you your relationship with Christ at the don’t know how to get there? Most same (or shallower) level it was last of us today use a mechanism called year? If someone were to ask you what a GPS. We input the address of the God has done in your life recently, destination and follow the GPS turn would you struggle to think of how to by turn. It’s the same with our walk answer? Can you remember the last with Christ. We know the desired time you heard God speak to you? I destination – being on fire for God (or mean, directly to you. Do you want to it maybe something more specific in be stagnant, staying in the same your walk). So tell God where you place? Think about this, when things want to go – let Him know your desire are stagnant, they start to stink and and I’m certain He'll be more than sometimes even grow fungus and other happy to guide you there. Now, He nasty things. may only tell you the next step or the next turn, but He’ll guide you one Stagnant things are never appeal- step at a time. There may even be a ing. What do you mean by stagnant? I few times that He needs to reroute know Jesus, I’m going to heaven, I go to us because we get off track, but bechurch every Sunday, Bible loved if we stay in tune with Him, Study....what else does God we'll get to our desired destinawant? Well…let’s look at what His Word tion...God is much more trusting than says about being stagnant. Take a look a GPS. We should never be satisfied or content with where we are spiritually...if so, that means we’ve stopped growing or desiring growth. There may be times on this journey that growth may slightly plateau, but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to chase after God, desiring to learn more, desiring to grow, and taking steps closer to Him. We should always be growing, learning, being challenged, and getting closer to the Father. If you are in the stagnant place, don't continue to make excuses that you don’t know how to get there, because you won’t go anywhere and you'll stay right where you are. I admonish you to do something – take one small step closer to God, and after that step take another one. You may be thinking... what are those small steps she's speaking of? Read your read other books/ magazines don't you? Spend time in prayer – you find time to talk to other people, why not talk to God, the One who created you and knows you better than you know yourself. For those new to the faith or even for those who have slacked off, start attending church and Bible study. Make a conscious effort to connect and build relationships with other believers – "He that hath friends must first show himself friendly." Find a mentor and Christian friends who can keep you accountable and challenge you in your walk with Christ. ~ Pastor Roxanna A Godly Woman A woman of beauty A woman of grace A woman of excellence Beholding God's face She walks with the Lord With integrity Knowing her purpose And destiny No matter what happens She walks in God's love Reflecting the beauty Of her Father above. © 2003 By M.S.Lowndes