The Holy Grail The old testasment | Page 8

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, he "had such a dream that my spirit is troubled by the desire to understand it" (Daniel 2: 4-5). The wise men of Babylon tried to interpret his dream but failed, Nebuchadnezzar sentenced them to death. The king looked for Daniel and his companions to execute them, but right before the execution Daniel requested that the king should give him time and he will interpret the dream (Daniel 2: 14-17).

The Previous Day

Daniel went home to his companions and they all prayed that God will reveal the meaning behind the King's dream. Finally when Daniel fell asleep he had a vision from God. When Daniel confronted the King to reveal the mystery he said, "No wise men, enchanter, magician or diviners can show that the king is asking, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries" (Daniel 2: 27-29). He then proceeded to explain the mystery and King Nebuchadnezzar was pleased, and made Daniel the ruler of the province of Babylon (Daniel 2: 48-49).

Daniel in the Lion's Den