The Holy Grail The old testasment | Page 2

The 10 Plagues

Moses's explaination of the 10 plagues

Interviewer: Why was Egypt destroyed?

Moses: Well the Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites free. The Israelites are God's chosen people so God smite the Pharaoh and his land to free them himself. We like to call this the Exodus. At first when God told me to be his messenger I explained that the Pharaoh would not listen to me because "I am of uncircumcised lips"(Exodus 6:30-31). God said I could bring Aaron my brother, that was the deal breaker, So me and my brother went to the Pharaoh with our miraculous rod early in the morning to wait by the river, when the Pharaoh arrived I said, "the Lord, God of the Hebrews, sent me to you saying, Let my people go, that they will serve me" (Exodus 7: 16-27). The Pharaoh did not obey and so Aaron took his rod and stretched out his hand

The ten plagues that occured in Egypt just concluded a few days ago. It caused wide spread destruction and panic, thousands of Isrealites follow their leader to the desert. First, the waters of the Nile turned into blood killing all the fish and leaving the Nile foul (Exodus 7:18-19). The second plague occured a week later, millions of frogs hopped out of the nile and Egypt was covered in frogs. The frogs then died as the Pharaoh and Moses reached terms, but the terms were not held by the Pharaoh. Thus, the third and fourth plagues --- gnats and flies which stormed Egypt. Next the livestock were deseased and men and women were infected with boils. The seventh plague was thunder and hail, and still this was not enough to convince the Pharaoh to free the Isrealites. The eigth plague was locust, and they ate all of the tree and plants. The ninth plague was darkness, and then the final plague, death of the first born.