The History of Legendary man 'Nakula Samanta Sinhara' The History_Sena_Adhyaksh_Nakula_Samanta_Sinhara | Page 5

5 Sena Adhyaksh Senapati ͚Nakula Samanta Sinhara͛ Relieved from internment in 15 th April 1938 When ͚Raja Naba Kishore Singh Mardraj Jagdeb͛ came back from Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri and immediate relieved his Sena Adhyaksh from interment that made by Political Agent of British Raj Nellore Saheb & assistant Dewan(Chakradhar Acharya ) and said officially to ͚Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhara͛, do not involved in 'Praja Mandal Andolan' against British Raj but personally and non-officially supported ͚Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhara͛ to involve against 'Praja Mandal Andolan' British Raj . During internment (Nazzer Bandhi) ͚Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhar͛s health suffered in severe fever and his health was felt unwell. Conspiracy in 15 April 1938 After relieved from internment (Nazzer Bandhi) , assistant Dewan(Chakradhar Acharya ) afraid to ͚Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhar͛s ͛ for his false case that made by assistant Dewan(Chakradhar Acharya ) with preplanned conspiracy during the absent of ͚Raj Naba Kishore Singh Mardraj Jagdeb͛. During internment (Nazzer Bandhi) ͚Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhar͛s health suffered in severe fever and his health was felt unwell. Senapati Nakula Samanta Sinhar had treatment his health from fever and medicines gave him by Baidya(Madhu Doctor) for recovery his health, But Baidya(Madhu Doctor) had bought by assistant Dewan(Chakradhar Acharya ) & British and gave slow poison on his medicine that he toke for fever and his death happened on midnight during in his slept on bed at Hindol and take piece in rest. ©Copy right by Za i dar-Sarbarakar , Dudurkote, Hi dol