The Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce 2015 YEAR IN REVIEW | Page 6

State Priorities Our region achieved a goal the Allegheny Conference, GPCC and numerous other private-sector organizations have been working on for more than 15 years: to improve Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness through elimination of the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax (CSFT). Due to the CSFT, Pennsylvania was one of the few states that taxed both business assets and business receipts or net income. This made the Commonwealth less competitive for job creation and business investment compared to competing states. The GPCC appreciates the Governor and legislature’s support for the elimination of this burdensome tax on job creators. We led the more than 130 businesses and organizations of CompetePA on this issue. CompetePA is a coalition representing more than half the private sector employment in Pennsylvania that works to create a more competitive statewide business tax climate. Another major GPCC state priority that saw progress in 2015 is state and municipal pension reform. Work remains to realize meaningful reforms, yet 2015 saw the most progress to date on these issues. We look forward to continuing to work on state and municipal pension reform in 2016. The GPCC conducts regular meetings and conference calls with state policy makers and other stakeholders. We recently hosted Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale for a discussion around the need for municipal pension reform. 4