The Grace To Be Made Whole 2015 | Page 6

The heart was not designed to digest, carry, or process certain things: Fear, vengeance, pornography, bitterness, anger, offense. When we attempt to carry these things in our hearts, our hearts malfunction and become dysfunctional!!! Is it possible that your past hurts, mistakes, and failures aren't "Holding" on to you, but you are in fact "Holding" on to them? Oftentimes, before you can possess the dreams in front of you, you must first release some things from your past. You are about to discover that there is an overcomer in you!!! The challenges you are facing are "Divine Appointments" designed to unleash the Greater One on the inside of you. Regardless of how bad some circumstances may look or how bad you may be feeling, I want you to know that you are Winning!!! Oftentimes the most difficult obstacle to overcome is an erroneous mindset!!! Don't allow the way that you may have been trained to think- to limit what God can do in your life!!! You can overcome debt, addiction, poverty, etc.!!! When God brings you out, He brings you completely out!!! Get ready, your Pharoah (Drugs, debt, anger, etc.) is about to let you go!!! When you look at yourself, do you see what God sees? God saw someone so precious and valuable the He chose to send His Son to die that you might live!!! God still feels the same way about you!!! Now, live!!! It is possible that you have already been chosen for promotion, and that the events to make it happen have already been set in motion!!! David had no knowledge that God had chosen him, or that God had started a chain of events to elevate him. David simply remained faithful! Your Anointing is on the Way