The Good Life France Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 109

Health Cover

If your family member is not already in the French health system, but has a CEAM (Carte Européene d'Assurance Maladie ) you can add them to your own health cover as a dependent.

How: Use form cerfa 14411*01 and send it on to the French organisation which oversees your own cover (CPAM, RSI,…).

Home Help

You need to apply for an Allocation Personalisée d’Autonomie or APA (at the local Mairie). A home visit will be made by a doctor and social worker. They will establish the needs of your relative and assess your involvement in their day-to-day life. You may be remunerated for your assistance, or get support for home help.

Note: 1 month after you receive confirm-ation APA is approved, you must declare if you have engaged help. (cerfa 10544*02).

The amount of support you get depends on the revenues of the person you are caring for as well as how much help they need.

Tax implications & reductions

As far as the French taxman is concerned your family member is now one of your household for tax purposes; even if their pension or disability income is taxed at source it should be declared on your household tax return. If not it should be added as the income of a dependent. If your dependent has no income, then you should reduce your total household revenue by 3.407€ per dependent, per annum. Your annual taxe d’habitation may also be reduced if your dependent is over the age of 70, lives with you and in the previous year had a declared taxable income below 10.697€ (16.409€ for two people).

The list of de-taxed installations is a long one, so get in touch to check if your planned works are eligible – [email protected]