The Good Life France Magazine SUMMER 2016 | Page 29

This really is an open air museum for all plant species in this part of the Mediterranean; these are the plants which the famous naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre (1823-1915) studied. There are insect collections which he gathered with fervour, showcased in the house. Many of his writings became famous and were translated into several languages.

Suite Harmas de Fabre in Sérignan du Comtat

Couleur Garance in Lauris.

In contrast, this is a very new garden thanks to the initiative of Michel Garcia and managed with the support of local authorities. The garden has a purpose: to gather in one place (downtown Lauris), on a wide open site in the Durance valley, as many plant species as possible which have played a role in the design and manufacture of dyes from earlier periods.

A full list of Provence gardens is available at:

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