The Good Life France Magazine September/October 2015 | Page 97

Salut! A French word which means hello

Géraldine Lepère, French teacher and lifestyle guru explains a few confusing French expressions and we know that you won’t be saying “really? I didn’t know there were any!”

The French language is full of wonderful words and phrases like “petit jesus en culotte de velours” which literally translates as “the baby Jesus in a pair of velvet shorts” and actually means “that’s great”. You wouldn’t know it though would you unless someone told you.

In this short video lesson Géraldine takes you through some of the most common confusing French phrases like “tu me manqué” which translates as “you are missing from me” but really means “I miss you”.

This is a fun, easy to learn way to understand and speak French very quickly.

Salut! A French word which also means au revoir…

Enjoy the video!

Confusing French Expressions!