PERREAULT Magazine OCT | NOV 2015 | Page 66

Perreault Magazine - 66 -

In Guatemala, Girl Up supports adolescent girls in funding a United Nations joint program that delivers an integrated and comprehensive package of services in partnership with national partners and local implementing organizations. These programs address the complex challenges that limit indigenous girls’ opportunities for success.

Through the UN

joint program,

Girl Up empowers

girls by:

Approaching the work with four strategic goals:

Providing an increase in social investments for adolescent girls

Increasing the legal age of marriage to 18 years

Reducing teenage pregnancy, sexual violence and trafficking

Supporting civil efforts that demand comprehensive sex education

Strengthening government support and capacity:

The Girl Up-funded joint UN program works with the national government of Guatemala- the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and National Institute of Statistics- to support adolescent girls from around the country, with specific focus on indigenous girls in rural areas.



Through partnerships with local organizations, the program has implemented activities that have strengthened the social skills of hundreds of adolescent girls from rural communities. Additionally, boys, family members and care givers, community leaders and health technicians have also participated in training processes to become allies in the prevention of violence and teenage pregnancy.


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