PERREAULT Magazine JULY | AUGUST 2016 | Page 75

Perreault Magazine - 75 -


Courtesy Philippa Ross

The Ross Sea is the last and most pristine eco marine system left on Earth. You can literally smell the purity and feel yourself unwind. The stresses and strains of the world have no place here; the only existence is in the moment—peace of mind, body and soul rule. You feel vulnerable but without fear—a diametric contrast to the way we live our ordinary everyday lives. My fear is that this global treasure will become spoilt if decision makers continue bickering about what their individual economies stand to loose if it’s made into a marine protected area. Decision makers are, in my humble opinion, lacking any notion of common sense. For starters, how can the fishing industry justify their continued allocation of certificates, when there’s irrefutable evidence that their so-called sustainable regulations have resulted in almost 60 percent of fish stocks being over exploited, while others have collapsed altogether.

Continued on page 76