PERREAULT Magazine January 2014 | Page 60

Smoked naturally, flavored naturally. Each smoked salt has a distinct flavor and is as a unique as the wood they are smoked with. Hepp’s Smoke Salts can be used as a rub, marinade or a finish. This is the only salt I use each time I cook, prepare a salad dressing, or just add it to my roasted vegetables.

I particularly like their White Truffle Salt & Black Truffle Salt. They also have this wonderful '7 Fire Smoke™', which I use with lamb. This is the mother of smoked salts! Smoked with not one or two, but seven different types of wood, 7 Fire Smoke™ is the boldest smoked salt out there! Let the flavors of alder, cherry, hickory, maple, mesquite, pecan and red oak infuse your taste buds with a smoldering sensation unlike any other!

Take a look here and discover other flavors:

My two favorite discoveries...

flat-out fabulous


by Brigitte Perreault

Perreault Magazine / January, 2014 60