PERREAULT Magazine December 2014 | Page 61

Perreault Magazine - 61 -

picked up by our cell membranes and read by our genes. Based on this information our DNA then assembles from its cache of blueprints, the codes that will be expressed through the release of proteins.

As a result of epigenetic studies, we now recognize how negative, fearful thoughts can transmit frequency signals that cause certain DNA strands to constrict and consequently to “turn off” beneficial functions. Conversely, we’ve learned that positive, compassionate, High Frequency loving thoughts result in lengthened and relaxed DNA strands, “turning on” genes to communicate optimal and functional instructions to the cells. Until recently, we believed that we were victims of a predetermined fate. With this awareness we can make conscious choices, taking charge of our Health and Well-being.

The Language Of Life

The six feet of DNA coiled inside every one of our body's one hundred trillion cells contains a four-letter chemical alphabet code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). A gene is a sequence of those letters spelling out a certain biological function or instructions for all the proteins from which our bodies are made, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences. In the case of our biology, one cell might end up being vital to the function of your eye, while another cell makes teeth.

The four-letter code is exactly what has been found in the genes of every living thing on earth, only the order of letters change from one species to another. Research has revealed that the genetic code has exactly the same relevant properties as a computer code or language. It is an immensely complex instruction manual that science is yet to figure out.

Unity Of Community

Epigenetics and other supporting sciences are teaching us that the body and its cells are members of a community, just as people are citizens of a community. It is a harmonious society of near 50 trillion cells that are entangled, with each bodily system present in every cell. All cells have antennas or receptors on their membranes that are tuned to the frequency or signals that are picked up and then relayed to our DNA. Once we are in alignment with the higher resonance and harmony of the Heart we will begin to experience life in Balance and Unity.

Taking Charge Of Your State Of Being

When you are balanced and Heart-Focused, your life experiences reflect it. Taking conscious command of the moment as it presents itself is the strongest possible response you can make, regardless of the nature of the circumstances. Know that you are able to choose to step back, at will, from the heat of the moment and make the conscious choice to shift the energy to one emanating from the place of Heart centeredness.

Your responsibility to your health and vibrancy lies in the awareness of how your body reflects the choices and actions you take in relationship to self-love. The more you choose to embrace life from a place that brings Liberation and Joy, the more profound effect it will have on how your DNA feeds and nurtures your cells with the information they “Love” to receive. You are fully responsible for your vibrational state of Being in any given moment.

I welcome your questions and comments.

[email protected]

Steven “Mana” Trink

Epigenetic Therapist

(888) 274-3688