PERREAULT Magazine APR | MAY 2015 | Page 49

Perreault Magazine - 49 -

Did you know that simply listening to a single musical note that vibrates at 528 Hz has been shown to repair your DNA?

Medical experts believe that sound and music can reduce symptoms of disease, affect brain waves, aid healing, improve physical movement, and enrich a patient’s quality of life. In the Art of “Music Thanatology,” which often combines the sounds of the harp with “End of Life Care,” music and sound is successfully being used to help people manage pain, anxiety and stress in a hospice environment. More than 70 colleges and universities now have degree programs that are approved by the American Music Therapy Association and thousands of professional music therapists work in healthcare settings worldwide.

Resonance Sound and Healing

The Human energy field holds a certain frequency or resonance, a unified field of energy that surrounds and permeates living organisms or cells. Everything has an optimum range of vibration, and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased, they are no longer producing the correct sound wave . Every organ and every cell absorbs and emits sound and has a particular optimum resonance frequency. When two frequencies are brought together, the lower will always rise to meet the higher. This is the principle of resonance. When we experience trauma or conflict, our energy field suffers. It becomes an anti-coherent field and our physical and emotional bodies are affected. To maintain harmony and balance at the cellular level, the field has to be constantly nourished. Sound and music nurture the field.

"Quantum physics has found that the human cell is a teeming, electric-magnetic field of possibility or potential." Deepak Chopra

Epigenetics, A New Era in Healing

Vibrational Healing interfaces with subtle energy fields that underlie the functions of a physical body. It is based on resonant frequencies, similar to a tuned string on a musical instrument resonating with another instrument tuned to the same frequency. The focus and research into the new science of Epigenetics has changed the way we understand how our genes and DNA are influenced by vibrational signals that stem from outside of the cell membrane. DNA with all of its instructions resides inside the nucleus of a cell.

In the awakening field of Epigenetics, scientists have discovered that you can alter the expression or instructional communication your DNA has with your cells by utilizing magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states, intention and the powerful energy of Love. Quantum physicists, such as Einstein, confirm that the universe and everything in it is made up of vibrational frequencies. Epigenetic Therapy includes fine-tuning key frequencies in our bodies by application of the healing frequencies associated with sound and music.

The only real security, in these times, is the definitive sense of well-being that is experienced when you are in Harmony and gliding on the winds of life. …A sense of security that rests on a foundation of Love, built from within. – Mana

I welcome your questions

and comments.

[email protected]

Steven “Mana” Trink

Epigenetic Therapist

(888) 274-3688