PERREAULT Magazine NOV | DEC 2016 | Page 65

Instead, from a young age girls are given single loop bead necklaces by admirers, chiefly young Morans. These gifts are given frequently and generously by young Samburu men, and the necklaces soon merge to form a beautiful thick collar of intricate beadwork.

The Samburu believe that by the age of 15 or 16, a young girl should have enough beads to support

her chin. This is considered a sign of having reached marriageable age.

Dancing is very important in the Samburu culture. The chants and dances of the Samburu are similar to those of the Maasai, and as in the Maasai communities, the blessing of cattle, the preparation for war, and victory in a hunt are all causes for celebration and dance.

Photo Credit: Marja Schwartz