PERREAULT Magazine MARCH | APRIL 2016 | Page 82

Perreault Magazine - 82 -

He has traveled the world to document the life and fight of indigenous communities.

Having been inspired by an article in the New York Times, Varial and his childhood friend and Wakhan collaborator Fabrice Nadjari embarked on a journey in the Wakhan corridor, a remote region of eastern Afghanistan untouched by war and preserved from the Taliban regime. When we think of Afghanistan, we create an image in our mind presented through the lens of the media, that of a region that is deeply impoverished and torn apart by war, and of a country that has violence against women as a part of its patriarchal culture. But Varial, aka Cédric Houin, wanted to open the world’s eyes to an other Afghanistan, which has never disappeared but which has simply been forgotten.

by Varial Cedric Houin

Franco-Canadian photographer & creative director, writer and multi - disciplinary artist Varial, heeding his grandmother’s words, “Go where you want, die where you must,” started at an early age to travel alone, off the tourist tracks and the modern grid, on voyages of deep self-discovery, immersing himself in the world’s most remote and magical landscapes, ecosystems, and cultures.