PERREAULT Magazine FEB | MAR 2015 | Page 88

Perreault Magazine - 88 -

Ask Mana

In my quest to be more informative and inspirational to our readership, prior to each publication I will select a question that is submitted from you and print it along with my answer.

I welcome your questions and inquires.

Q: Can the effects of a toxic exposure in one generation be experienced in subsequent generations?

Brian Turner, NY

A: Our physical and mental environments, including our culture, food, air, beliefs, stresses and even the way we speak can influence the behavior of our genes and DNA. Research confirms that epigenetic signals that influence our gene expression are transgenerational, passed down to future generations from parents to their off spring. The Epigenetic signals have zero affect on the DNA sequence of genes, but they alter the instructional information to the cells. In essence, what your great-grandmother was exposed to could cause disease in you, your grandchildren and their children. As we become more consciously aware and take action from a focus of Heart Centeredness, we make choices that embrace our well-being and preserve the future of this Beautiful Planet and all its inhabitancies.

by Steven Mana Trink

Epigenetic Therapist