PERREAULT Magazine FEB | MAR 2015 | Page 84

Perreault Magazine - 84 -

This field of resonance transmits energy and information to every cell in the body and embraces everything else within the field. The “Coherent Heart Field” is composed of wavelengths of peaks and valleys that are symmetrical and communicate more effectively with our brain and body.

The Coherence Technique, outlined below, offers a way to communicate with your Heart and connect to your Intuition. The unfolding story of life affords us the opportunity to practice and integrate the insights and wisdoms (gifts) found within each experience we have in life. We have a choice.

A. Heart Focus: Shift your attention to the area of the heart and breathe slowly and deeply.

B. Heart Breathing: Keep your focus in the heart by gently – breathing five seconds in and five seconds out – through the area around your heart. Do these two or three times.

C. Heart Feeling: Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for someone or something in your life. Focus on the good heart feeling as you

continue to breathe through the area of your heart.

– After you do these simple steps, ask your Heart if you could access your intuition more consistently and how would it influence your life? Write down your answers to help chart your progress.

– Practice asking your Heart for guidance. Calm the mind and emotions and listen for the first thoughts that come to you that feel right. Write them down.

The Clear Choice

The Energetic Heart is coupled to a deeper part of ourselves. When we are Heart centered and coherent, we experience a closer alignment with our deeper source of intuitive intelligence. In a Heart Coherent state there is an increased flow of intuitive information that is communicated via the emotional energetic system to the brain systems resulting in a stronger connection with our inner voice and allowing us access to the largely untapped potential for bringing our mental and emotional faculties into greater balance and self-directed control.

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