The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 98

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 180 fessing prayer in the name of sin- ners’ savior Jesus Christ. And accept me as your son by forgiv- ing and listening my prayer. Oh Lord, forgive me. Oh Lord, pay attention to my prayer without delay. Oh my God, I prey this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen’. 30 II He made his father to make this prayer. After the prayer, his father said to him – 31 ‘Now my burden became very light and my heart is filled with peace’. 32 The Man of God said to his father that - the Lord forgave your sins and accepted you. 33 He brought both his mother and father in the year of two tho- usand and five, April to the place of his ministry. He explained again about the power and victory of the gospel. 34 He said that they must leave all dead works for laying a foun- dation 1 . 35 If they don’t leave the dead works, they will not be resurr- ected at the time of Christ com- ing. He explained the dead wor- ks one by one. 36 He asked his father to exp- 1 Heb 6:1,2; 2 1 Pet 1:18; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ress his willingness. Then his fa- ther said to him – “I don’t have any relationship with this world or the preachers, because the Lord counted me as blameless. (Lord begat me through accredit Born Again) 37 From now, I will leave all the dead works completely, that Lord mentioned in His word (aimless conduct 2 received by tradition from fore fathers) 38 He said that he is ready to accept Christ as his personal saviour and Lord and follow him whole heartedly. 39 But his mother rejected to agree with Word. She said that she can’t leave the dead works. She hardened her heart to live an ungodly life. 40 When he prayed three days for his mother’s convert with burden, the Lord opened her heart 3 . She too was Born Again. 41 Two days after Easter, the Lord granted His grace to him to baptize his father and mother in Krishna River. 42 Before he baptized his father and mother, he baptized only a brother 4 . At the time of baptized man of God called to his father Ezk 11:19; 4 1 Cor 1:16. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 181 as dear brother, and mother as who was walking with glorious fire. dear sister. He used to say that They were afraid and hid behind the trees. We understand from the God did not send him to baptize Bible that God appeared in the form but chose him to preach the gos- of consuming fire during His visi- pel without eloquence of spee- tation to Moses and in the visions ch. He chose him to be a cowo- of Ezekiel, John and prophets. Like rker with the Lord in the expan- monkey runs by seeing the fire, so also men fled and hid behind the sion of God’s kingdom by telling trees. Gradually, their opened eyes about New Birth. were blinded because of sin. Then 43 He was grateful to God for soul died in a complete status (in a sleeping status). saving his father and mother. “Jesus” is written in English. It 44 He did not express his joy has different names in other langua- because all in his family were ges. What is the reason for it? It is saved. His father and mother written that “Father will give you were very happy. His home was whatever you ask in My name” (Jh filled with joy and peace of God. 15:16). What does it mean by “My Heavenly joy and peace run over name”? The devil confused the innocent because name should not the family. be changed in any language and Both Adam and Eve, who used to any country. So the name “Jesus” wait for God’s fellowship daily, cou- is not the right name in English. The ldn’t come before God when He was men of devil troubles the minds of walking in the garden after they God’s people by saying that there committed sin(after they disobeyed are mistakes in the Bible. But the God’s command). Why did they hide word of God has the following expl- behind the trees? The answer is – it anation. The reader should under- is said generally that fear was gene- stand it - “The LORD said, “Indeed rated in them due to their sin. But in the people are one and they all have fact, it was not true. The reason is – one language. And this is what they the devil, who is the form of serpent, begin to do; now nothing that they said to the woman that “For God propose to do will be withheld from knows that when you eat of it your them. Come, let us go down and eyes will be opened” (Gen 3:5). The there confuse their language, that devil told her the half truth. When they may not understand one first men broke the command and ate another’s speech” So the LORD the fruit, their eyes were opened. scattered them abroad from there They saw God with their opened eyes