The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 96

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 176 11 After the Sunday service, so- metimes the openair meetings or gospel rallies were conducted. 12 II One day morning, a wo- man came to the man of God. She asked him three hundred ru- pees, and requested him to help her. Then the man of God kept her need before the Lord in pr- ayer. 13 God, the consuming fire, said ‘it is not just to help her in her need 1 but you must drag her out of fire’ 14 When he was giving money to the woman, God, the consu- ming fire, asked him - 15 “Man of God, what are you giving?” I said “according to the my Lord’s command I am giving three hundred rupees to her who is in need”. Money gaining preaching 16 God, the consuming fire, said to me - “There are preachers who preach for money that he who sows little will reap little but he who sows abundantly will reap abundantly. They say many lies in My name.” 17-18 God, the consuming fire asks the sons of the world ruler 2 who run into ministry by saying 1 2 Cor 9:12; 2 Mt 3:7; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD that the Lord called me, Lord called me and collect offerings in the meetings, who called you to do My work? 19-20 The sons of Evil One that fill up pockets with poor and innocent money, you think that serving Me means earning a lot of money. I know your thoughts. Woe to you, woe to you. What I decide for you is this – 21 I swear by Myself that you are not the heirs of My glorious and eternal kingdom, you shall not inherit life – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 53 The Truth Selling preaching HAND of God, the consuming fire, came upon Me, I was caug- ht up in the Spirit. The Spirit lift- ed me up and left me in a cool hotel. 2-3The Spirit of God, the cons- uming fire led me into one of the rooms over there. I saw in my vision that a preacher, along with others, was talking there. 4 One of them said to the prea- cher- “I came to you to conduct a gospel meeting for the spread of God’s kingdom unto the end Mt 21:12. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 177 of the earth. 5 Our people are perishing bec- ause lack of God’s word’. 6 The preacher, who listened his words, spoke to him - You shou- ld pay me one lakh rupees as a fee to preach in your meeting. 7 If you are ready to pay, I am ready to come.’ Then they all sto- od to pray. 8 But instead of saying we ask 1 in Jesus name (pray in Jesus name), he said that we offer this prayer in Jesus name to you. 9 The person who came there was a poor man. The Spirit of God showed me this clearly. The man, who came with a desire, went away with disappointment. 10 After some time, the word of God, the consuming fire, came to me –“Do you think there is such injustice among the gentiles? 11 The one preacher whom you saw in a vision doesn’t know the difference between prayer, wor- ship, request and intercession. Yet he is preaching. 12 He turns My people out of the way. So tell about such peo- ple like this – 13 God, the consuming fire, says – “The sons of Canaanites 2 that 1 Jh 15:16; 2 Zech 14:21; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD does the business of prea- ching for money, woe to you. 14 Oh children of boar, that preaches for money and sleeps in cooling rooms, woe to you. 15 The sons of Evil spirit that does the business 3 with Word and grieves the Holy Spirit, you are the children of your fore father, Judas Iscariot. You are selling dove and the he lamb. 16 What did he do? Didn’t he sell the Saviour for thirty silver coins? You are surpassing your father. Woe to you. 17 Alas, Alas, Alas; Oh double edged sword 4 which pierced the heart of Sennacherib, the sword of David which cut off the head of Goliath, the sword of Samuel which cut the Agog into pieces, 18 Oh My sword, that shines in the sky, comes down to be pier- ced into the heart of evil sons who demand fee and offerings by making preaching as a busi- ness. 19 Come down, come down soon to cut their childrens and wives dance with their blood. 20 I, Myself the mighty to create the universe, gave the word. 21 I give a word without mercy 5 Mt 21:12; 4 Isa 37:7; 5 Jer 51:23.