The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 91

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN before I was formed. You told me to travel but how about the travel charges? 23 Please let me know about it. He knelt and prayed in the early morning at three thirty, and then he started to read the Bible for Lord’s will. 24 God, the consuming fire, said - ‘son, go today and work in the garden 1 .’ 25 He understood that Lord commanded him to work in the garden. He waited for someone to call him for work. 26 The owner came and said that he wants the laborers to pick up the orange fruits in his garden. Then he thought that it might be God’s will. So he went to pluck the orange fruits. 27 He preached the gospel to the co-laborers and filled the tub with the yellow orange fruits. 28 But the watchmen’s saw and said that they are the useless fruits 2 . They are damaged inside due to mosquitoes. When they opened them, a bad smell came out. 29 When they explained him about the good fruits, He has been plucking the good fruits. 1 Mt 21:28; 2 Jer 24:2; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 166 3 30 Then the Word of God 3 , who is the consuming fire, came and asked to me-‘Man of God, what did you pluck?” 31 I answered that I plucked the damaged fruits of vanity by thin- king that those are nice fruits. Again the word of God, who is the consuming fire, came to me- 32 God, the consuming fire who created the spirit in mans inner, called and elected you, says like this – 33-35 Men filled their hearts with sorrow and sin like the da- maged orange fruits.Their hearts are filled with sin, wickedness, evil thoughts, and desires. They are strike 4 by them daily. Like the fruits were damaged by mosquitoes, so also man’s heart is damaged by cursed and bite of the transg - ressions, and they destroyed. 36 Yet they don’t come to your saviour to receive the eternal life. Rather, they rebel like the ox which rebel to come under the yoke. 37 You have filled the tub with the damaged fruits. Those are not useful. 38 In the same way, Christians, Exo 19:18; 4 Isa 1:5. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN who call themselves, are dama- ged by Evil 1 and sinful desires. 39 They are ready to go to the acid lake like the fruits not useful for eating. 40 I have rescued you from such people”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. Most of today’s preachers and the church elders are like the white washed tombs as the Lord said. The Lord knows their inner heart. Yet they are like weeds. But the innocent believers like the wheat seeds but are not able to identify them. The reader should understand this. We should have a right under- standing about sin, curse and death. Sin – related to spirit. Curse – related to body and soul. Death – related to soul, spirit and body have influence on each other. CHAPTER 49 The preaching of own desires THE Word of God, the consu- ming fire, came to me in the night at ten ‘o clock and said 2 - “Your God, the consuming fire says about the preachers who twist the scriptures instead of preaching every scripture which is inspired by the Spirit of God - 3 The selfish men, who have the itching ears, follow their evil 1 2 Tim 3:1-6; 2Tim 4:3,4. 167 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD desires. They become one. 4 And they turn their ears from truth to myths. They twist My word. They don’t know the po- wer of scriptures. Woe to you, woe to you. 5 Who commanded them to pr- each My word? You preach fa- bles and myths. You turn My people by hiding truth and pre- aching lies, leading in wrong ways. 6 You are selfish. You are filled with from head to the feet selfis- hness. Your heart has a great lust for money. 7-8 Your life jumps with pride. You and your father, the devil, are proud. And you accuse my servants and my children. You are unthankful, slanderers, bla- sphemers, conceited, without self control, unholy, brutal, hate- rs of good, false accusers, trai- tors, 9 you have a form of godliness but deny its power. I know your works, your thoughts and your pride willing. 10 Is preaching My word for expressing one’s desires? Is pr- eaching My word for the prea- ching of myths?