The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 76

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN kingdom The priest would join with the rulers - we will build the kingdom of King of kings 2 According to the scriptures - Jesus died for our sins According to the scriptures - Jesus was buried According to the scriptures - Jesus rose on the third day. 3 God became a Son of Man - left heaven and came to the earth listen He paid the penalty for sins - He overcame death as sinless Oh men of the earth - there is salvation through Jesus only 4 All men listen - lord’s, listen Kings, soldiers the time of King of kings is at hand listen Be prepared fill vessels - and come to the midair feast 5 Literate and illiterate - all of you listen The wise and business men -all of you listen Strong and weak men - the time of the Strong one is at hand 6 Presidents, Prime Ministers, - the time of the Noble is at hand Doctors, scientists - listen to the sound of elements Tribulation is for seven years on 136 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the earth - and the feast is for saints in the mid sky 7 Jesus is the main architect - let us work while building Let us bring the living stones - Let us build the living house Being lifted up in mid air - Let us become the members in the glorious church 8 Not with hay, stubble- not with costly silver stones Not with iron, mud - Not with brass or stick The foundation is laid with gold - and the Word is shining with glory 9 The trichotomist Universalist - heathenist, rationalist, my- otheist listen Animist and anthroponomist - the atheist listen Bimetalist and controversialist - Christ is coming for thousand years of reign, listen 10 Naturalist - Bigat, Bigoted listen Controversis Stagurist - Infide- list Christ is coming to make a new creation listen Salvation Through BORN AGAIN CHAPTER 38 God’ Awakening to America I am the One who dries up the oceans; overflows the rivers. I am the One who call into exist- ence out of nothing. 2 God, who makes the living as dead and the dead as living, says to Trump, who is a ruler of Am- erica - 3Why did your country became weak? How come your strong country became like a stranger left home? Why did your country became groaning like a bird? 4 How come your resources dry up? Your country is like a white washed tomb on the outside but inside is with spoiled smell. What is the reason for it? Asks God, the consuming fire? 5 O ruler of America, carefully listen to the words of God the consuming fire. 6 The evil deeds of your people are not hidden from My sight. My eyes are watching. A wom- an has sex with other woman. Yet can she be appointed as bishop? Can it survive? Can a woman preach in the church? The prea- chers have sex with other mans, can they survive? 1 Lev 20:1-27. 137 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 7-9 The wicked people turned your country as a dry land.The- ir secret sins are visible in My sight. The cursed deeds of your country became like worms in the dead bodies. 10 I will not be with you. I will not move among you or I will not have fellowship with you unless you remove those things from your midst. I will not put My sight on your country. Re- move those things I hate. 11 Those are -Your people have learnt the traditions which Isra- elites learnt in Egypt. 12 They are not following My statues and My ordinances. 13 They are holding My book in their hands but not living accordingly. 14 They worship Me with their mouth (lips) but their hearts are far away from Me. 15-16 Your country people are uncovering their relatives’ naked ness. The people, who uncover their father 1 and mother nake- dness, are in your country. 17 They are uncovering the na- kedness of their own sisters. 18 The fathers are uncovering nakedness of their daughters.