The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 727

Salvation through Born Again The Salvation is the Gift of God Salvation through Born Again 469 The Salvation is the Gift of God Abbrevations G.T.F M.S.G.P S.S.G.P Abbrevations S.S.G H.S Sp.O.G N.W B.A.Exp N.W.F N.D T.O.I Exp W.F.O B.F B.C.B.A Ac.b.G.T.F H.K.O.G S.G.P B.A S.O.G N.W.F.o G.S.O X D.O.N D.O.A N/n.B.A = God, The Father = Mysterious Spiritual Gospel Proclama- tion or Proclaimed = Symbolic Scriptural Gospel Proclama- tion or Proclaimed = Symbolic Scriptural Gospel = Holy Spirit = Spirit Of God(Holy Spirit) = Non Written = Born Again Experience = Non Written Foundation = Noah’s Descendents = Times of Ignorance = Experience = Written Foundation of = Born First = Before Christ Born Again = Accepted by God The Father = Heavenly Kingdom Of God = Scriptural Gospel Proclamation = Born Again = Son of God = Non Written Foundation of = God’s Sovereign Usage = Not = Descendents of Noah = Descendents of Abraham = Not accepted by God The Father = Non or not Born Again