The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 70

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN about what he knows. 5 The pastor of the Christian religion had a tobacco shop. He does also the finance business. 6 He became proud about his Christian religion. And he started to argue with others that Christian religion is the greatest among all. He went out of the way 1 and became blind to his own religion. The Deceiving preaching 7 II Once God took the man of God to a place and asked him whether he understands the preaching of a preacher? 8‘Lord God, I don’t understand anything.’ Then He rebuked the man of God to be careful that your heart may not be fattened 2 . He said to him - 9 He was not shown grace to do My ministry. He walks craf- tily like his father. 10 He is twisting the word of life. Even though the truth is not manifested, he glorifies himself and preaches before men. 11He commits secret sins. Being the descendant of the god of this age 3 , he is preaching the things of his father”. 12 So God, who is the consum- ing fire, says about such one - 1 Lk 6:39 5 Ezk 34:11. 2 Cor 4:2; 2 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 124 13 “Oh sons of deceiver and the descendants of crafty one, who sent you? Your father, who is the deceiver 4 , sent you. Your father, who deceived the first men, sent you. 14 The light of the gospel is not shining upon you. 15 You are the servants of your father. How can you escape the crucifying the lake of acid’’? - this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire 16 II Oh My children who are being deceived by false prea- ching’s, I will seek 5 you and find you. 17 I will rescue you from the deceit of your enemy. I will give you the knowledge of My word which surpasses all riches and feeds you with eternal life - this is the Word of God, the consu- ming fire. God visits the young man and makes him to be accredit Born Again (regarding him as blameless) 18 The young man when he was went to a city called Hydera- bad to write the entrance exams for medicine into his degree second year. Acts 28:27; 3 2 Cor 4:4; 4 Acts 15:24; Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 125 19 Just then his sister was born again. She started to tell him that God speaks and 20 He forgives our sins and gra- nts us his peace and joy. 21 She encouraged him persis- tently to read the Bible to be born again (to be accredited by the Lord as blameless). She interc- eded for him with a great burden. 22 The young man, who went to write exam, was attracted 1 to the Holy Bible. 23 His heart and mind was cra- ving for peace. He was looking for satisfaction in heart which is not limited to the human senses by thinking that he would suc- ceed. 24 Even though he didn’t unde- rstand, he read from Genesis continuously till twenty two books. 25-27 He read the book of Isa- iah on his knees on December twenty fourth, nineteen ninety seven from Morning eight o’ clock. He read up to forty thr- ee chapter from twenty two verses to twenty seven. And he stopped there. 28 God, who is the consuming fire, spoke to the young man and 1 Jh 12:32; 2 Jer 4:14; 3 Ps 19:12. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD kept a guilty on him by pointing out “you, you 2 ”. 29-30 He understood the word “you.” When he counted it, it was mentioned for fourteen times there.He heard a still voice which says “you”. From A.D 400, so many pastars, fathers, and popes didn’t know what does mean house of God? According to Paul saya in 1Cor 3;16, gatherings of those who were accredited born again people is called house of God. Because - God is dwelling among in His people. CHAPTER 32 GOD, the consuming fire, says -“You have burdened Me with your sins. You have wearied Me with your iniquities. When those words were spoken, his heart was troubled. 2 He understood as if some- body was standing beside him and telling him repeatedly that you have burdened, wearied Me by your sins. 3 Again the same voice told him that you have burdened Me and wearied Me. 4 Then all his secret sins were coming to his remembrance 3 . What sins he did far away from