The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 696

407 ho were born again they are easily understand about trinity by faith. Gen 1:26 The basic concept of the trinity is that the LORD is one God in three persons and three persons in one God. The pe- rsons are distinct but not separ- ate and are equally of the same essence or nature. The Father is declared to be God John17:3; John 6:27 The Son is declared to be God Rom9:5; Heb 1:8; 1John5:20 The Holy Spirit is declared to be God 2Cor3:17. And yet 3 persons are identified equally as one (Mt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14) Diagram of relationships DOCTRINE OF AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE TRINITY God, the Father is God unity essence oneness H threeness functional roles o l y Son is not Spirit Jesus as a complete man “Sovereign Lord.” Luke 2:29; Acts 4:24 2 Peter 2:1; Rev 6:10. 4. Abba (Pater) means “father” and denotes the special rel- ationship of a believer to God. John 4:23; Rom 8:15 The Main New Testament Name for Jesus 5. Immanuel means “God with us” referring to Christ’s rev- elation. Matt 1:23. (see also John 1:14 which exp- lains God’s presence in Christ) 6. Jesus is His personal name which means the “Lord is Salv- ation” and is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament “Joshua.” Matt 1:16. 7. Christ is His title which means “anointed one” and is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament “Messiah.” Matt 16:16. G. Trinity of God Statement of Concept While the word “Trin- ity” does not appear in the Bible, the concept is clearly biblical. The doctrine of the Trinity (or Trinity) of God is a very difficult mystery to understand but those Salvation through Born Again you holy) and signifies that God is the one who sets people apart and makes them holy. Ex 31:13; Lev 20:8. 15. Yahweh Raah (rohi) means the “Lord our Shepherd” and de- notes God’s loving care, prote- ction and provision for His people. Ps 23:1. Note: sometimes the compound name Yahweh Elohim is used and means the LORD (Yahweh) who is God (Elohim). Gen 2:4. The Primary New Testament names for God 1. Theos means “God” and is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament Elohim or Yahweh. Titus 2:13. 2. Kurios means “LORD” and is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament Adonai wh- ich was often used as a substance for Yahweh out of reverence for God’s personal name. It identifies Jesus as the Yahweh/Adonai of the OT. John 20:28. 3. Despotes means “master” and is sometimes translated as The Salvation is the Gift of God is 406 is Salvation through Born Again The Salvation is the Gift of God Unity essence oneness. .Three- ness functional roles. Son is not Spirit, Jesus as a man, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are (1) God in essential nature and united in purpose (2) Each distinctive but not separate persons (3 in 1) (3) Exercising differing functional roles. Analysis – III (The explanation from the page no 186 of 1st part) Noun: A word (other than a pronoun) or group of used to name identify any of a class of persons, places, or things (com- mon noun), or a particular one of these (proper noun), Noun Gender: 1. The grammatical classification of nouns and related words, ro- ughly corresponding to the two sexes and non-sexes. 2. Each of the classes of nouns – MASCOLINE, FEMININE, NEUTER Noun Plurals: Most nouns cha- nge their form to indicate number by adding “-s” or “-es”. Possessive nouns: In the pos-