The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 683

Salvation through Born Again 380 the church, Jesus Christ is thrown out and get married satan. 47 So you must recognize how the fellowship is that you go fre- quently. Why you know, it was written like this that - my be- loved is knocking, open to me, but a little delayed I opened to my beloved, but my be- loved had turned and gone. Like this many fellowships have the preachers, but there Lord is not there. 48 Not only this, there are shouts in high pitch, but no Holy Spirit is there. Not only this, there are baptisms but the death are not struck (cancelled) away. And also they do not know what the New Birth is meant for. 49 Now-a-days, they are pre- aching about repentance in many fellowships but they do not leave the lifeless deeds, but they teach about love in hours(days) to- gether but they do not know what the aim of God’s love is meant for. 50 They are doing prayers with fast, but they do not know the touch of the fire of Holy Spirit. Many fellowships have the mu- sic, but such music is amusing the The Salvation is the Gift of God evil spirits. 51 They are making boxes are filling in the name of gifts. But all that money is like the dogs or eunuchs or prostitute’s money. That money is the money of bribes and money of bad earn- ings. 52 The servants loving the be- lievers but the difference is there in this love. They love the mon- eyed people in one way and penniless people in another way and they are loving gold ring people in one way and not lov- ing the ringless people in another way. 53 There are the gifts of grace and wonders in full swing. But these people who are doing the wonders and miracles are get- ting caught in the bonds of pun- ishment in the perpetual fire of the inferno or hell forever and ever. 54 The preachers have so many great titles but they are going to rejected by the Lord. The nam- ed Christians worldwide spread in full extent here, but very few of them reach the heaven. 55 II If There are many meet- ings conducting on the name of Salvation through Born Again 381 gospels, but the preachers know the secrets of scriptures, they are revealing many mysteries from the word of God, but they do not define scriptural gospel. They jump like the frogs and fell down and rose again, but they do not know real revival. 56 They treat the people com- ing in silk dress in one way and coming in rags in other way. There are groups with social dif- ferences and are filling the groups with the dead works and they are running towards the fire of in- ferno burning from ages back. 57 Who can stop such people? When the omnipotent and all powerful Lord is not to stop them, who can stop such stupid schol- ars of this worldly knowledge? It was written at one place that - doesn’t stop him who is run- ning towards destruction, 58 in another place it was writ- ten – Don’t you save the man stumbling for the destruction? So it is clear that you are struck in the net of Satan and getting dragged by wrong preaching’s of your fellowships and towards the perpetual inferno fire. God or- dered me to write this epistle to The Salvation is the Gift of God save you. So get alerted and wakeup to save yourself from the impending danger. 59 They are participating and praying in the festivals of tombs with great wonder. But they do not know that, their prayers can’t be heard even by the stones. They do not know that – there is no use for the praying dead soul and who had prayed that. 60 God made me write this epistle to save you from that cheating groups and make you the eligible for the eternal life of living God. 61 Many have plenty of rich. But, they are very poor in spiri- tual and are living wretched like Laodicea. The fellowship which you are going it preaching them that scriptural gospel and the excellent scriptural Born Again. 62 If that fellowship is doing like that where you go, that will be excellent, rapture church and you will be taken to the middle sky. It is written about that – your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. It was written about the church rapture and having the feast with lord in middle sky.