The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 674

Salvation through Born Again 362 head of man. So, o women! No one from you should dishonor Christ like this. 3 II O women! You are boast- ing by physical knowledge and protest against the word of God. Is it right that you dishonor your saviour Jesus Christ? Don’t you know that protesting the word of God is called as a terrible sin? 4 Why don’t you cover your head with cloth? Do you feel ashamed to have your head cov- ered? If you think like this, do you dishonor the Lord who comes to you to saviour? 5 Physical knowledge makes you boasts. Don’t you know the proverb that - the overflowing milk when boiled fall into the fur- nace? Just like that, you are also overflowing to go to blowing fire of hell. If any one does the mis- deed he will pray God by doing fast and he will be forgiven by God. 6 But if you do sins against God how you will be forgiven by Him? The word came from the Holy Spirit of living God. You are dishonoring that word, how you will be forgiven? 7 Do you scold the spirit of God? The Salvation is the Gift of God – Whoever speaks a word against the son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever sp- eaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven – don’t you know this Judgment? 8 You go on cutting your hair on head and belittling the greatness of Lord? Do you think that God should not be honored by you? God has granted that greatness to you which is not granted even to the angels, you are behaving like the angels fell down. You are attracting the perpetual bondage of hell. 9 II O women, think yourself. When the angels disobeyed the power of God and revolt against Him, He had caught them tied for the perpetual judgment, is it not right? This is why – a wise ought to have a symbol of authority on her head because of the angels, why you make this sentence of God as effort in vain? Think yourself about this by own. 10 O women! Be careful not to have the leprosy of sins in you even in less. The woman who does not have the cover of cloth on head, such woman is like one Salvation through Born Again 363 who has the leprosy of sins on her head – I am a disciple of the living God telling you this for your correction. 11 II Not only this, there are some more things exposing the leprosy of sins in you. Is it right that women like Jezebel like you stay in the church? 12 Not only this, like Jezebel who felt her greater than her hus- band, will you make higher than your husband’s? Who will be the owner in family? Is the man or woman the owner of the house? 13 Don’t you know the secret of the word that, woman will be similar for the church and man will be similar for the place of God? You know this very well. Then think deep about this. 14 Who has to rule your house? Is God allowed to rule your house or you would like to rule your home by yourself? Why don’t you support your hu- sband’s like Zipporah supported her husband Moses and like Jehoshabeath who supported her husband Jehoiada in perfect manner? Aren’t you taken from your husband and how can you be greater than him? The Salvation is the Gift of God 15.Are you taken from your own man or your own man are taken from you? O woman think deep about this. Is the woman came from man or the man came from woman? Is the woman intended for man or the man intended for woman? Think about this deeply. 16 It was written in this regard like this – Woman came from man. Can you reject this truth of word and live happily? Can you be away from the life of Jesus and live without Him (His salvation)? 17 So, as Sarah lived towards her husband and called as obe- dient, you also live with your husband’s truthfully and gets the fame. If you do order of the God is vain or go against this, you will be thrown into forever and ever the flame of the hell. 18 In this regard – Sarah called Abraham as lord and hono- red him. If you to go on right path like her, you will be call- ed her daughters. This is the word of God teaching you the right path, so don’t be dull hea- ded and don’t live like the stu- pid women.