The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 66

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 116 attempt to know the truth (true God). 7 The unknown people 1 who participating in the race - 8 symbolically describe men all over the world who are sear- ching for salvation of spirit and considered by the Lord as bla- meless. 9 Those who had victory in the race - is symbolically some men who are attained the salvation and regarded as blameless by the Lord. 10 King- God of Gods who is the Creator, ministers - Seraphs and Cherubim’s, and angels who are in God’s presence. 11 The noble men-are symboli- cally twenty four elders, proph- ets, priests and the saints who are redeemed from their sinful life and cleansed by the Lord’s blo- od. 12 The young man’s victory – symbolically knowing the God of gods regarded as not impute sins by the Lord Jesus and being fil- led with peace and joy. 13 Young man’s reward-is com- pared to the forgiveness of young man’s sins. His name is written in the book of life 2 to get the heavenly citizenship. 14 Finally, knowing God means being forgiven 3 by God directly. Receiving salvation and godly peace took place on one day in the life of this young man. 15 That hour - was a good hour when Lord credited him as not imputes his sins (it means new birth 4 or being born from abo- ve or entering the regeneration state) and sent His Spirit and life into him. The begging preaching 16 God, the consuming fire, shown 5 a man to the man of God one evening, and so jour- ned who held the Bible and wore priestly clothes, 17 God asked him - “Man of God, what does that man do whom you see?’ 18 He answered by saying “O Lord who knows the secrets, You only know.” Then He said to the man of God - 19 He is travelling to live 6 wher- ever he gets a place. 20 He thought that God’s ser- vice means finding a place to live. His mother was blessed 7 him. 21 Therefore, God, the consum- ing fire, says about those who Salvation Through BORN AGAIN think that serving God is a live- lihood - 22 My sword is shining 1 in the sky. Oh children of Lawless one, you thought that God’s ser- vice is a livelihood 2 . You came to the ministry even though I didn’t call you and elected you. 23 Oh birds who nets on the mustard tree 3 ! My double edg- ed sword 4 drinks your blood. You are captured in my cave. 24 The sword will get into your heart deeply. Woe to you, hypo- crites who are the descendants of serpent. 25 You are like your fathers (pre- achers). You rejected the Born Again command. You are like white washed tombs 5 which is inside with full of worms. 26You are dead inside and filled with bones and wickedness. You wore sheep clothing. You look outside like servants of God, which on sent by God but inside as cruel wolves. 27 You are filled with hypocrisy, love of money, evil desires, iniq- uity and sin. You are spoiled like a spoiled fruit. 28 You are twisting My word. Oh sons of beggar, you are 1 1 Rev 5:10; 17:10; 2 Lk 10:20; 5 Jud 17:8; 3 Rom 4:8; 6 Judg 17:2; 4 1 Pet 1:4 ; 7 Jer 18:21, Judg 117 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD robbing the poor’s labor in God’s name - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 29 The Word of God, the consu- ming fire, said unto me again – “I am the bread of life 6 . 30 He who comes to me will never be hungry. Whosoever eateth of this bread that I shall give him shall never hungry 6 . 31 Whosoever eateth of the bread that I shall give, live for ever 6 and ever. 32 Consider about the bird, sparrow, ravens 7 . The bird’s of the sky neither toil nor spin 8 . 33 I am God, feeding them. So you, being as My servants, do not worry 9 about what to eat, drink. 34 Do not forget about the event in which I opened 10 the sky and sent manna -this is the Word of God, the consuming fire.” Whose names are written in the book of life which is with God? The answer is - whoever sins are forgiven by the Lord and made blameless, their names only will be written in the book of life. Therefore, the reader should make sure for himself/herself whether his/her name is written in the book of life Jer 46:10; 2 1 Cor 15:32, Rom 11:9, 14:16,20; 3 Mt 13:32; Mt 23:27; 6 Jh 6:51,58; 7 Mt 10:29, Lk 12:24; 8 Lk 12:30; 10 Exo 16:15. 5 4 Ps 149:9; Lk 12:30; 9