The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 657

Salvation through Born Again 328 happens to deliver poison every day. 57 II O young women, you have to labor to become virtuous and to be Born Again then the fami- lies will be blessed. 58 She will rise also while it is yet night meet the Lord in prayer who redeemed her. 59 So young woman (virgins) and give meat to your household and save your household, you shall rejoice in the time to come. You open your mouth with wis- dom and preach the message which is grace. 60 So young women, I beseech you, that save your virginity, don’t deceive the young men with your beauty, and don’t be, unfruitful and fall. Whatever you are doing will be rewarded by Lord, so grow in the grace of Christ Jesus and submit your- selves to Lord. CHAPTER 14 O young woman, cell phone in your hands, is you using for good? Or are you using it as snare for the young men? Or are you deceiving yourselves by it? Young women so many of you say that I am going to marry The Salvation is the Gift of God whom I choose to perform my marriage. 2 Because - I gave my heart to him and also I have united my body with him, talking without shame it is my summary. 3 So long ago two sisters and daughters of one father spoiled themselves let me tell about it in the name of Christ. Endure for some time. 4 Two sisters of young begot- ten of one father and one mother the names of them - Hola eldest and Liba youngest, they grown up and went to a far place for further studies by leaving their home, in the foreign country they loved a foreigner apart from all other relatives and country people. Fulfill their adulterous desires. 5 They went to acquire secular education and wisdom but they turned as above. The reason is internet, friends and phones. 6 II One day they asked their father to provide cell phone, laptop for their need. He pro- vided, but both the sisters using them to chat with old and new friends. 7 Then two young men who are Salvation through Born Again 329 drawn of thirsty for adultery de- sires were introduced and they were drawn to be deceived by their love of youthful. Their par- ents are not with them so liber- ally wandering with young men upon their two and four wheel- ers fornicators. 8 Behaving more than wife and husband and started fornication in their rooms, that fornicators hugging and every part of body is being used for their enjoyment. Woe, woe, woe. Alas, alas. 9 Hola and Liba both are learnt to live so many days with this sin. Their parents show them so many holy young men for marriage to them but they are not responded and postponed. 10 But they came to home after completion of their education, they are wearing different colors of garments and caught in their old habits and memories and they were drawn by fleshly desires with unknown young men. 11 The elder beaten with her fleshly desires which are more than the power of bear and wan- dering in entire city with sexual desires and experiencing with young man fornicator of her The Salvation is the Gift of God choice and living too much im- pure, 12 then parents are observed that their daughter is wandering entire city and spending her time with young men, being our el- dest daughter - you are wander- ing with other young men and moving very closely with them with phone in your hand, chat- ting through Tab it is not good manners, by seeing you your younger sister also learn the same. They warned elder daug- hter you are destroying family prestige, so don’t do that. 13 Learned how to lies so she with her parent’s Mom and Dad I am not simply wandering with these friends (young men). I am doing an emergency project. For that purpose I am with them, how easily I will be deceived by them? I am being highly edu- cated how to be deceived? 14 How your lovely daughter brings you bad name? Pleasantly like - cat drinks milk with closed eyes pleads and thinks that no one is watching that she is hid- ing her sin. 15 Carrying fire (sin) in her lap (bosom) and clothes not are