The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 649

Salvation through Born Again 312 Skelton. 51 Then after she fulfill her lust one some other and meet her adulterous desire. So, my dear young men! Youthful love is wa- ter bubble it may burst any time so come out of the temptation of Satan. 52 For this is the will of God that, you should have to live in well established family and find a beautiful virtuous wife. O young man, I want to reveal one other secret to you that is- What is a beauty? Let me define the beauty - is not needs adorn? Upright words pierce into heart and re- moves filthiness. So, spirit of God speaks through me is up- right and holy. 53 If any women wants adorn (makeup) means what is it? Someone trying to adorn be- cause having less beauty, think deeply about my saying of se- cret. 54 II God before formed you in your mother’s womb one rib bone of you kept aside some- where for you so, recognize your bone yourself with the help of God. 55 Because – she shall be called The Salvation is the Gift of God woman, it was taken out of Man. Exhorts the word of God don’t ignore. If it is neighbor’s bone it will quarrel with you, so awake the bone which took from you will join you otherwise your life of family becomes debauchery life. 56 Regarding your marriage take the help of God and your parents, the will of God for your life fulfill through Jesus Christ. 57 II Coming into church of God, o young man you, have newly born having love with girls even then, is it good to come to church of God? How long will you continue in young age love without permission of God? Is God for God of youthful fash- ion? No, not. So, you have been beaten by the youthful love, wanted mother and food like double standard, prevent wants God and virgin recognize that it is not possible. 58 It is hard to understand the word, what I wrote to you, by the inspiration of spirit of God? You have to give your heart to God, but what have you done? 59 You have given your heart to a woman, is it? What happened Salvation through Born Again 313 to Samson whom he kept aside, the will of God, don’t you know? So, o young men, leave the wo- men who entered into your life. Who is that? The arm of strength of wicked satan? 60 Lord for you crucify upon cross and shed His holy blood on Calvary and buried. He was raised to you to live victorious. 61 The love of the Lord is not less than the love of woman which is used as weapon in the hands of Satan. So, immediately come out of the love of woman by tearing all bonds and live like victory over the end of the earth. As I disciple of Christ command you. CHAPTER 9 FINALLY, my dear young men, I want to talk to you even more, because - your life is more precious and ideal for blessing, for when you were still wicked in due time Christ died for the ungodly and arose to justify them as righteous. 2 And some young men among you are being slaves to drunk- enness and spending your lives. You along with your friends have become slaves of alcohol by The Salvation is the Gift of God which you are losing the melody of your life. 3 Why are you living as drunk- ards? Alcohol bytes you like a serpent. In this regard word of God says “do not look on the wine when it is red when it is the sparkle in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly at the last it bites like a serpent”. 4 Whoever is led astray by it is not wise, this commandment is given by Him, you never forget. 5 Not only that many young people are becoming slaves of intoxicants and destroying their lives. I am writing it to you so that no one among you gets tra- pped in such destructive intoxi- cants (drugs) and become slaves of it. 6 Drugs are more dangerous than adultery and fornication and brings great loss to you. Taking spirits into eternal destruction, those who are trapped in this will lose their senses. Staggering in their lives, such people are dis- obedient to their parents, mur- derers, lost in human values and beaten by the sexual desires, thief’s, kidnappers due to the lust of wealth and becoming rapists.