The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 643

Salvation through Born Again 300 tion is witnessed by one. 35 So, o young man, do you want to become more educated and knowledgeable than your teachers? Then read the word of God which is treasure of knowl- edge and meditate it every day studying it carefully. CHAPTER 7 SO, o my dear young men, many of you are strong like Samson having physical wisdom are being dragged by the enticed words of young women and cap- tured by them, deceived by their sinful words, rejecting mother who has carried you in her wo- mb for nine months and Father who has raised you carrying you on his shoulders and your sib- lings leaving the house abscond- ing like Samson and leading the illegal life and losing valuable life. Alas. Is it good to do? 2 Young Women are targeting on your earnings and in any way they wanted to win your heart and capture you so be careful in this matter. 3 A virtuous woman is a crown of her husband but she who make ashamed is as rotten- ness in his bones. O Young The Salvation is the Gift of God man, how is that young woman whom you have selected? Are you ashamed being insulted? So it is rottenness into your bones, it is more dangerous than the bone cancer. 4 II Prudent wife is from the God, don’t lose this blessing. In these days young woman with much seductive speech, she per- suades you so you should not be foolish and to be wise as warning I am writing to you. 5 Many among you like Samson went to commit adultery with virgins and losing their lives, vir- gins those who are living with sin, they are the hands of Satan and making distance between you and your parents. Not only that in the name of the love, every time you are not truly loving if your love is true brings some- thing for me if your love is true to let us go to some place for me if your love is true to bring something for me. Saying this she will show her unhappiness by avoiding you and mouth sul- len, and then you will think to beseech her. 6 If you truly love me bring some item for me says repeat- Salvation through Born Again 301 edly like sucking blood like in- sect (leech) and making injuries in your heart. Not only that, how Samson was captured, you are also captured by your wives, not only that in my opinion, you will go beyond them with folded hands. Did God created you to go beyond women with folded hands? No, it is not. God did give the birth you to rule the woman. “He shall rule you” Scripture is clearly warning, are you not understood?”. 7 II Woe, what a horrible, Samson surrendered himself to a woman for sexual appetite; he is the slave to it. So, young man like Samson doesn’t become slaves to sexual emotions. For- nicator is like cleaning his mouth after eating and say’s I don’t know, so many among you liv- ing, it is my observation. 8 Young man! You are known by God or unknown to God Ok. What is the sweetness of life? Life sweetness is only fulfilling the desire of the flesh, isn’t it? You have to recognize that it is not. 9 Young man to be the married sweetness of life - find an ex- cellent wife. Because – find The Salvation is the Gift of God that woman (prudent wife) is rare. With contentious and an angry virgin for you, o young man, sadness be in your life. Isn’t it? 10 Alas, I have been deceived and regretted, how many among saying you? Yes, there are de- ceived by brawling virgin and opposing to parents. Many of them in these days they are lead- ing life filled with sadness, trails, and tears. 11 Did you not understood the voice of God saying - It is bet- ter to dwell in the desert land than with a fretful and quar- rel some woman? Adulterous beautiful virgin is a weapon of Satan, Satan will murder you with the help of her beauty, be careful. 12 Love letters of young women changing as death letters in the life of many more young men. Cell phone speech of young women for the spirit of young men it is eternal binding, and the internet friendship of young wo- men for the spirit of young men take to eternal destruction hoo- ks of the enemies. 13 It is happening to youth that