The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 64

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN They made scattering of descen- dents of white ants by making them indulged in sinful acts and making them lose their blessings from God means - the gentile rac- es swarmed in to country and made the young men in the cou- ntry jobless and unemployed. 38 The words ‘They put tortures and their food is looted and no food preserves left not seized’ mean that - ‘the young people of the country are made unem- ployed and their position is made critical with no hopes of better future’ not only this things means – not only these incidents. 39 The portion ’Sintrader made entered some more insects in to the fort’ means that - ‘the sintr- ader made some other people who run after money with greed and spread more sins in the cou- ntry with cheating people with greed for money’. The part ‘their food is looted and no food pres- erves left not seized’ means that - ‘as the gentile races are carry- ing away their food, in the same manner, their blessings from God are seized by those gentile races who do not know the living God’. 112 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 40 ‘The white ants and their des- cendents understood the prob- lem and they assembled at one place’ means that - ‘all the holy people understood the present situation and all of them, inclu- ding their children, discussed on the issue and they agreed upon one single conclusion’. 41 The part ‘they prayed their heavenly king, they requested him to excuse them’ means - ‘th- ey understood their mistake, accepted before god and prayed for excusing them for their mist- ake of not accepting God’s alert in time’. The portion ‘prayed their heavenly king to be their king’ means ‘they requested god to rule them again with the help of His word’. 42 The words ‘save them from the problems’ means - ‘praying God to save them and their race from these dangerous and criti- cal situation’. 43The words ‘The heavenly king who always shows mercy on His children’ means - ‘the eternal king, the Almighty who keeps the holy people with Him by giving new life to them (con- centrated them and see on their Salvation Through BORN AGAIN prayers)’. It is written that – He will be hears always the prayers of righteous means - So ‘God heard their prayers’, it means - God was ready to help them from these problems. 44 The words ‘He separated a white ant from them and he ble- ssed that distinct male white ant and made him as the leader for the white ants’ mean that - it has been arranged to select a capable man from them as the leader. It means - a President is elected for the country to safeguard the int- erests of the country. 45 The words ‘They (white ants) prayed their eternal king’ mean that - ‘the holy people underst- ood what God really wants; they prayed Him with heavy hearts and requesting Him in many ways to safeguard and save His children. 46 The words ‘making one imp- erishable white male ant as the leader’ means - the President is made from the imperishable white ant as its leader. The leader ant means - President. What the wo- rds ‘expelling the cruel and tort- uring sheol ants from their fort’ mean? It means that all the red, 113 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the black, the bullet and the dread ants of the sheol are ex- pelled from the country’. 47 It really means that - all the gentile races entered in the cou- ntry and making atrocities are expelled from their country. The underworld ants made entered in their country by satanic ruler (the red ants, the black ants, the bullet ants and the dread ants) means - they are similar to dif- ferent gentile races entered in the country and doing sinful acts and making natives of the cou- ntry unhappy, unsafe, and undeserving for god’s blessings. These unwanted people are made expelled from the country and they are made to leave the country’. 48 II The words ‘their eternal king made the leader white ant as the leader by consecration’ mean that - ‘the president is specially selected (it means elec- ted) and consecrated by God it means - sworn in as president of the country. 49 The words ‘save their race by expelling and forcing them to go out of their country’ mean that - ‘expelling all the gentile