The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 636

Salvation through Born Again 286 knowledge and showing their evil power on innocent students! Striking ladies! Destroy your- selves, crush and made ash yourselves under the wheels of laws. 10 Should juniors listen to you when you say? Then will you not listen to laws when it says to you? Is law elder than you? Or is it younger? Because you are arguing that - juniors should obey you as they are younger than you. Yet, the law is much elder than you in age. Hence, don’t you listen or obey the law? You must obey the law. Isn’t it? 11 You are harassing juniors if they won’t obey you. But the law is much elder than you if you won’t obey will it not destroy you? Law has entered your col- lege before you, it is senior to you. Will it not collapse your fu- ture if you won’t obey to law? Don’t be tempted by Satan and get misinformed by your proud heart and get trapped in the fangs of law which makes your parent’s sad. 12 Will you break hearts of your parents? How can you be the success by destroying lives of The Salvation is the Gift of God your fellow students? How can you escape from law? 13 II In this regard written as - Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority ex- cept from God, and the au- thorities that exist appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and th- ose who resist will bring judg- ment on themselves. For rul- ers are not terrors to good works, but to evil. Do you wa- nt to be unafraid of the au- thority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For they are God’s mi- nister to you for good, but if you do evil, be afraid; for the- y do not bear the sword in vai- n; for they are God’s minis- ter, an avenger to execute wr- ath on him who practices evil. Therefore you must be sub- ject, not only because of wra- th but also for conscience sa- ke. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending co- ntinually to this very thing. It is absolutely correct, isn’t true? Salvation through Born Again 287 14 Senior students, in the col- leges unto the ends of the earth! Did you join the college to tor- ture juniors? Make them cry and compel them to kill themselves, to see blood in their eyes? To laugh when they weep, their par- ents curse cursing you? 15 In this regard it is written as- Causeless curse shall not come but fruit of the curse will be horrible and will not be bearable by the human being. Don’t hurt and make juniors cry with your emotions. 16 Being deceived by your physical knowledge you are de- ceived by your heart. So correct yourselves with this my words. 17 Satan is a cause of murders, insults, pains, haughtiness, ego- centrics, adultery, drunkenness, fights, differences, abuse, jokes and selfishness. So, don’t get trapped in his hands. 18 Oh, young seniors! Love your juniors, love then as your siblings, treat young girls as your sisters and young boys as your broth- ers and pamper them with love. 19 Love your juniors with divine love and love of the country. If you wipe tears of one of your The Salvation is the Gift of God juniors don’t ever forget the truth that you are the one who is wip- ing the tears of the country. If you fulfill the appetite of one of your junior, you are fulfilling the appetite of the country. 20 If you bandage the wound on the leg of any juniors, you are healing the wound of the coun- try. You are the feet and hands of juniors. If any mobs try to tease them then teach them a lesson. 21 If you do so you will be the one who fulfills the appetite of the mother land. Wipe its tears you will reduce its suffer up to some extent. How can anyone live without repaying it’s tribute to mother? 22 Treat country as mother and law as father. Respect your par- ents and don’t make them weep. It is written - For he who tro- ubles his own house will in- herit the wind. Love your mother and submit your father to awaken you I am writing to you this letter. 23 One more thing that - you are calling yourselves as seniors. So will you cut your shortest fin- ger from your hand? Or will you